This research project was organized by the U.S. Department of Energy (United States Department of Energy (DoE), Argonne National Laboratory, USA ...
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This international R&D project "New Materials for electric drive vehicles" was organized by the U.S. Department of Energy (United States Department of Energy (DoE), Argonne National Laboratory, USA (Argonne National Laboratory, USA) unites a number of U.S. partner companies with several research organizations in Ukraine for the development of new batteries for electric drive vehicles.
Main objective of that project is to develop a number of experimental and new lines of experimental equipment for the development of technologies and materials for the manufacturing of batteries for electric drive vehicles.
Materials research Centre,Ltd will develop, design and produce some pilot auxiliary equipment for the further assembling of the technological parts of equipment developed by other project participants, in the full production line.
Alexey Gogotsi, MRC ltd., with partners at the Аmerican Energy Technologies Company during his trip to USA, March 2011.
At the American Energy Technologies Company: Upendra S. Rohatgi from Brookhaven National Laboratory, Maya Barsukov from American Energy Technologies Company, MRC director A.G. Gogotsi, Igor Barsukov, American Energy Technologies Company and David A. Ehst from Aragonne National Laboratory,Murch 2011. |
David A. Ehst from Aragonne National Laboratory, Maya Barsukov and Igor Barsukov from American Energy Technologies Company, MRC director A.G. Gogotsi, Upendra S. Rohatgi from Brookhaven National Laboratory, Murch 2011. |
Video meeting with foreign partners from AETC and Aragonne National Laboratory at The Gas Institute, Ukrainian National Academy of Science, September 2011.
Gubinsky Mihail Vladimirovich, National Metallyrgical Academy of Ukraine, and Gogotsi Alexey Georgievich, Materials Research Centre, ltd. |
Dr. S.Yu. Saenko, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology (the KIPT), academician of NASU, Gas Institute Director, Doctor of Science, professor, B.I. Bondarenko, Materials Research Centre Director A.G. Gogotsi and M.V. Gubinsky, National Metallyrgical Academy of Ukraine, and others. |
Video meeting in the office of The Gas Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine |