Engineering design and calculations

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Using of additional opportunities of CAD specialized program products – the software intended for development of drawings, engineering and technological documentation as well as 3D models. CAD is computer-aided design system to draw in CAE – designing of 3D solids, CAM – systems of engineering calculations enables our engineers to solve non-standard tasks of any complexity, is the use of computer software to control machine tools and related machinery in the manufacturing of workpieces .  Computer-aided design (CAD) is program technologies for designing of 2D and 3D shape of the objects. It’s widely used in lots of spheres, in particular, animation, automobiles, shipbuilding, aerospace industry, industrial and architectural design and so forth. CAD is the main driving force to explore in the field of computational geometry, computer graphics (both hardware and software) as well as discrete differential geometry.

Up-to-date systems of engineering calculations (CAE) are usually applied along with CAD systems. CAE systems are the major providers of information to help support design teams in decision making.CAE areas covered include: Stress analysis on components and assemblies using Finite Element Analysis; еhermal and fluid flow analysis, сomputational fluid dynamics; multibody dynamics and kinematics; analysis tools for process simulation for operations, product or process optimization.

Methods applied for engineering calculations:

Finite element method. - The basic idea in the finite element method is to find solution of a complicated problem by replacing it by a simpler one. Since the actual problem is replaced by a simpler one in finding the solution, it would be possible to find only an approximate solution rather than the exact solution. Moreover, in the finite element method, it will often be possible to improve or refine the approximate solution by spending more computational effort. For the last decades this method is the leading one and widely applied.

engineering calculations in Autodesk InventorFinite difference method is a well-known and simplest method of interpolation. It is used to solve ordinary differential equations that have conditions imposed on the boundary rather than at the initial point.

The finite-volume method is a method for representing and evaluating partial differential equations in the form of algebraic equations. In the finite volume method, volume integrals in a partial differential equation that contain a divergence term are converted to surface integrals, using the divergence theorem. These terms are then evaluated as fluxes at the surfaces of each finite volume.

engineering calculations tenses on mises engineering calculations of tennsess on the hopper wall

The von Mises stress is often used in determining whether an isotropic and ductile metal will yield when subjected to a complex loading condition. This is accomplished by calculating the von Mises stress and comparing it to the material's yield stress, which constitutes the von Mises Yield Criterion.

The objective is to develop a yield criterion for ductile metals that works for any complex 3-D loading condition, regardless of the mix of normal and shear stresses. The von Mises stress does this by boiling the complex stress state down into a single scalar number that is compared to a metal's yield strength, also a single scalar numerical value determined from a uniaxial tension test (because that's the easiest) on the material in a lab.Hydrostatic and deviatoric stresses.The hydrostatic stress is related to volume change, while the deviatoric stress is related to shape change.

Materials Research Centre uses Autodesk Inventor 3D CAD software products, that offer a comprehensive, flexible set of software for 3D mechanical design, product simulation, tooling creation, engineer to order, and design communication. Inventor takes engineer beyond 3D to Digital Prototyping by enabling him to produce an accurate 3D model that can help to design, visualize, and simulate products before they are built. Digital Prototyping with Inventor helps companies design better products, reduce development costs, and get to market faster.

Autodesk Inventor comes in different product configurations that offer specific levels of functionality to fit every design needs. Inventor is powerful 3D CAD Software for Mechanical Design. Autodesk Inventor 3D mechanical design software includes CAD productivity and design communication tools that can help to reduce errors, communicate more effectively, and deliver more innovative product designs faster. The Inventor model is an accurate 3D digital prototype that can validate the form, fit, and function of a design and unites direct modeling and parametric workflows.

vizualization autodesk inventor 3d modelling autodesk-3d-model

3D models of equipment by Autodesk Inventor

design autodesk inventor 3d autodesk engineering design by Inventor


3d design engineering design by Inventor designing in autodesk inventor


designing in autodesk inventor autodesk inventor for CAD model by blender

all 3D models can be divided into two categories:

Solid - These models define the volume of the object they represent, they are mostly used for nonvisual simulations such as medical and engineering simulations, for CAD and specialized visual applications

Shell/boundary - these models represent the surface, the boundary of the object, not its volume

Materials Research Centre is actively supporting using of CAD with open source code for multifunctional operation environment GNU/Linux assembled under the model of free and open source software. In order to develop engineering documentation (2D and 3D design drawings) co-workers of the Materials Research Centre’s Design Department use specialized software on the basis of multifunctional operation environment GNU/Linux. It is used as operation system of the most powerful supercomputers all over the world (servers, computers of non-standard architecture due to the opportunity of OS kernel quick adaptation and varieties of the software, military systems, computers mounted in various devices due to wide range of opportunities on Linux configuring with a task being performed.

3D model blender 3D model blender 3D screenshort Blender
3d model by GMSH
Stair design model by BLENDER

Vizualization of stair in Blender

Freeware is being actively used for design and engineering calculation. It’s a wide range of software with right of the user for unlimited installation, launching as well as easy use, study, distribution, changing (upgrading) and open-source software. This is the software with open-source code, available for browsing, study and upgrading which requires additional qualification but allows to update the most open program, as well as to use code for creating new programs, updating and correction of mistakes.


News from MRC.ORG.UA

2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, Massachusetts, from December 1-6, 2024

2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Poster Session, from left to right: Prof. Yury Gogotsi, Prof. Maksym Pogorielov, Prof. Goknur Buke, Dr. Babak Anasori and Dr. Oleksiy GogotsiDr. Oleksiy Gogotsi, director of MRC and Carbon-Ukraine, innovative companies that are among the leaders on the world MXene market, visited 2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit. together with Dr. Maksym Pogorielov, Head of Advanced Biomaterials and Biophysics Laboratory, University of Latvia.

Our team participated in the 3rd International Conference at Drexel University "MXene: Changing the World", August 5-7, 2024

3rd international MXene Confernce at Drexel University, August 5-7, 2024, Philadelphia, USAMRC and Carbon-Ukraine team visited the 3rd International MXene conference held at Drexel University on August 5-8, 2024. Conference brought together the best reserchers and leading experts on MXene field. 

Visit to our project partners from Worcester Polytechnic Institute that joined to ESCULAPE research project consortium

Visiting Functional Biomaterials Lab at Worcester Polytechnic Institute led by Dr. Jeannine Coburne

Looking forward to work together with Dr. Lyubov Titova and Dr. Jeannine Coubourne from Worcester Polytechnic Institute on structural and biomedical applications of MXenes and study of their properties within HORIZON EUROPE MSCA RISE ESCULAPE project!

MXenes for biomedical applications: MXene-Polydopamine-antiCEACAM1 Antibody Complex as a Strategy for Targeted Ablation of Melanoma

MXene-Polydopamine-antiCEACAM1 Antibody Complex fro cancer therapyTogether with colleagues from the University of Latvia, MRC/Carbone Ukraine, Adam Mickiewicz University, University Clinic Essen, and others, we have developed a novel concept involving the binding of antibodies to MXenes. In our research, we utilized anti-CEACAM1 antibodies to develop targeted photo-thermal therapy for melanoma (in vitro), paving the way for future in vivo studies and clinical trials. For the first time, we demonstrate the feasibility of delivering MXenes specifically targeted to melanoma cells, enabling the effective ablation of cancer cells under near-infrared (NIR) light. This new technique opens up vast potential for the application of MXenes in cancer treatment, diagnostics, drug delivery, and many other medical purposes.

Looking forward our collaboration with Dr. Vladimir Tsukruk's team from Georgia Tech University in trilateral research project IMPRESS-U on MXene-Based Composite Bio-membranes with Tailored Properties

SSU, MRC and Carbon-Ukraine team visited research group led by Prof. Vladimir Tsukruk from Georgia Tech University, Atlanta, USA

Looking forward our collaboration with Dr. Vladimir Tsukruk's team from Georgia Tech University in trilateral research project IMPRESS-U, involving teams from Ukraine, Latvia, and the United States funded by National Science Foundation (NSF). project is focused on MXene-Based Composite Bio-membranes with Tailored Properties. Can't wait our Kick-off meeting that will be held at Latvias University in Riga with all project participants.


Our new collaborative research paper with Drexel team on Porous Ti3AlC2 MAX phase enables efficient synthesis of Ti3C2Tx MXene

porous MAX phase technologyIn this study, we have optimized the synthesis of MAX phases for MXene manufacturing. The main purpose of this study is to develop a porous Ti3AlC2MAX phase that can be easily ground into individual grains manually without time-consuming eliminating the need for drilling and intenseball-milling before MXene synthesis. Moreover, we also demonstrate the synthesis of highly porous Ti3AlC2 (about 70%) from an inexpensive raw materials.

Novel electrically conductive electrospun PCL‑MXene scaffolds for cardiac tissue regeneration

Scanning electron microscopy image of PCLMXene membranes crosssection (left side) with the representation of EDX line (dotted line) and example of cross-sectional EDX elements line scan (right side)Here we demonstrate a new developed method for depositing Ti3C2Tx MXenes onto hydrophobic electrospun PCL membranes using oxygen plasma treatment. These novel patches hold tremendous potential for providing mechanical support to damaged heart tissue and enabling electrical signal transmission,thereby mimicking the crucial electroconductivity required for normal cardiac function. After a detailed investigation of scaffold-to-cell interplay, including electrical stimulation, novel technology has the potential for clinical application not only for cardiac regeneration, but also as neural and muscular tissue substitutes.

Read recently published paper about our collaborative work: MXene Functionalized Kevlar Yarn via Automated, Continuous Dip Coating

MXene Functionalized Kevlar Yarn via Automated,Continuous Dip CoatingThe rise of the Internet of Things has spurred extensive research on integrating conductive materials into textiles to turn them into sensors, antennas, energy storage devices, and heaters. MXenes, owing to their high electrical conductivity and solution processability, offer an efficient way to add conductivity and electronic functions to textiles. Here, a versatile automated yarn dip coater tailored for producing continuously high-quality MXene-coated yarns and conducted the most comprehensive MXene-yarn dip coating study to date is developed. 

MX-MAP project secondment visit of Dr. Oleksiy Gogotsi and Veronika Zahorodna from MRC to University of Padova, Italy, October 2023

altMX-MAP project participants from MRC Dr. Oleksiy Gogotsi and Veronika Zahorodna performed split secondment visit to project partner organization University of Padova (Italy). MX-MAP project works on development of the key strategies for MXene medical applications. 

CanbioSe Project Meeting and Project Workshop, September 26-27, 2023, Montpellier, France

altCanbioSe Project Meeting and Project Workshop was held  at European Institute of Membranes (IEM), University of Montpellier, France on September 26-27, 2023. The workshop was focused on the theme of "Commercializing Biosensors, Intellectual Property, and Knowledge Transfer from Academia to Industry.

IEEE NAP 2023: 2023 IEEE 13th International Conference “Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties” Sep 10, 2023 - Sep 15, 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia

altDr. Oleksiy Gogotsi and Veronika Zahorodna visited IEEE NAP 2023 conference held in Bratislava on September 10-15, 2023. The prime focus of the IEEE NAP-2023 was on nanoscale materials with emphasis on interdisciplinary research exploring and exploiting their unique physical and chemical proprieties for practical applications.

Visit to CEST labs in Wiener Neustadt (Low Energy Ion Scattering, Batteries development) and TU Vienna (ELSA, SFA)

altDirector of MRC and Carbon-Ukraine Dr. Oleksiy Gogotsi visited CEST labs in Wiener Neustadt (Low Energy Ion Scattering, Batteries development) and TU Vienna (ELSA, SFA). He meet with Dr. Pierluigi Bilotto, Dr. Chriatian Pichler and their colleagues, discussing novel materials and r&d activities for new technologies.

MX-MAP Session at YUCOMAT Conference 2023 "Towards MXenes’ biomedical applications by high-dimensional immune MAPping", HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01 project MX-MAP.

altMX-MAP Session was held during the YUCOMAT Conference 2023 titled: "Towards MXenes’ biomedical applications by high-dimensional immune MAPping", HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01 project MX-MAP.


altThe conference was organised by the Materials Research Society of Sebia and supported by MRS-Singapore with the participation of a pleiad of distinguished scientists.

CANBIOSE secondment visit of Dr. Oleksiy Gogotsi and Veronika Zahorodna from MRC to European Institute of Membranes in Montpellier, France

altCANBIOSE project participants from MRC Dr. Oleksiy Gogotsi and Veronika Zahorodna performed secondment visit to project partner organization European Institute of Membranes in Montpellier (France) on August -September 2023.