Materials Research Centre is a company founded in 1995 by researchers from several institutes of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences with the purpose to staunch the flow of young talented people from research to jobs that have nothing to do with science. MRC carries out research in the fields of chemistry, physics and technology of materials. Scientists from the Institute for Problems of Strength, Institute of Superhard Materials, Institute for Problems of Materials Science, Kiev Polytechnic Institute and other organizations participate in the research projects on the basis of short- and long-term contracts. Many of them worked on military-oriented projects and now try to use their knowledge for the needs of peaceful industries.
Distinctive excellence of Materials Research Centre is not only its strong scientific potential but also presence of own engineering design group and metal-working manufacturing. This makes possible to provide complete cycle of product manufacturing from its conceiving and engineering design to production and service. For example, due to these factors MRC successfully completed project on construction of laboratory attrition mill for milling nanoscale powders for Drexel University, US. MRC also supports investigation of brittle ceramics at the Institute for Problems of Strength of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
MRC has been specializing in the research and development of porous carbonaceous nanomaterials. Additionally, the company has been engaged in the research into the properties and applications of nano powders of transition metal oxides for solar panels and self-cleaning surfaces. At present the company manufactures electrolytic solar cells from its own materials on the laboratory scale, their voltage and current characteristics being continuously improved. Most of the equipment, employed in the production, namely the furnaces for high temperature treatment of non-organic materials, was designed and manufactured by the company specialists. MRC team comprises highly-qualified experts in different fields of science (chemistry, physics, and material study) and competent designers which allows to achieve significant results both in research and development of alternative energy resources at the world level.
One of the major goals of MRC is to promote integration of Ukrainian science in the European and world-wide scientific networks, as well as stabilization of MRC team’s potential, safeguarding highly qualified specialists and maintaining research and technological capacities. MRC participated in several NATO Advanced Study Institutes and Advanced Research Workshops in Russia, Turkey and Ukraine. The main specialization areas of the company are: development, design, manufacturing and assembly of non-standard metal arrangements, power equipment, automation systems and multi-purpose power furnaces. MRC has its own manufacturing premises, which is equipped with all the necessary power carriers and comprises: - Several metal treatment, plumbing, welding-assembling and large-scale assembling workshops. - Metal treatment - turning, milling, grinding, fettling, polishing, drilling and other press equipment. - Welding stands enabling to test welding of sophisticated constructions made of carbonaceous, stainless steels and non-ferrous alloys, plasma welding inclusive. - Casting workshop, wood treatment workshop. The company comprises the following departments: design bureau, production complex, marketing department, R&D group and laboratory.
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