MRC team visited 2nd international MXene conference "MXenes: Addressing Global Challenges with Innovation"at Drexel University, USA on Aug. 1-3, 2022

second MXene COnference 2022, Drexel University, USA

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MRC team members Dr. Oleksiy Gogotsi, Veronika Zahorodna, Dr. Iryna Roslyk visited MXene Confrence 2022. This 2nd international MXene conference at Drexel University, August 1-3, 2022, put major MXene discoveries, including their record-breaking electrical conductivity, electromagnetic interference shielding capability, electrochemical capacitance, light-to-heat conversion, and other properties, into perspective; identifies areas of basic research; familiarizes a diverse student body, as well as scientists and engineers, with these novel 2D materials; and brings the technological potential of MXenes to the attention of industries, federal and state governments, funding agencies, and decision-makers.

Over the course of the three full days, the conference brought together MXene researchers and collaborators in the areas of energy storage and generation, electromagnetic interference shielding, antennas, transparent conductors, gas and pressure sensors, water purification, gas separation membranes, photo- and electrocatalysis, medicine, and plasmonics among many others, to identify basic research problems and the future technologies that will use MXenes to address current global challenges.

MXene Conference Day 1

MXene conference 2022 at Drexel University, Poster sessionTeam members from Materials Research Center Dr. Oleksiy Gogotsi and Veronika Zahorodna  and Dr. Iryna Roslyk also took part in MXene 2022 conference promoting their research and engineering activities at poster session. They presented our collaborative work with Drexel Nanomaterial group:
Veronika Zahorodna, Oleksiy Gogotsi, Vitalii Balitskyi, Ivan Baginskiy, Veronika Zahorodna, Iryna Roslyk, Chris Shuck, Mikhail Shekhirev, Stepan Vorotylo, Yury Gogotsi, Equipment for upscaling manufacturing of MAX phases and MXenes synthesis. 2nd International MXene Conference, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA, Aug. 1–3, 2022.

Equipment for upscaling manufacturing of MAX phases and MXenes synthesis


Also at the conference was presented a research work on Scalable Production of MXene Dip-Coated Yarns and Cord by Lingyi Bi from  Drexel University, with the coauthors from MRC, showing the research works based on the MXene Yarn coating machine designed, developed and manufactured by MRC team. That poster was recognized by conference comettee as one of the best  works presented within the conference. Our congratulations to Lingyi Bi from Drexel Nanomaterils Group!

Lingyi Bi, William Perry, Robert Lord, Stepan Vorotilo, Corey (Alex) Inman, Tetiana Hryhorchuk, Ruocun(John) Wang, Citalii Balitskyi, Veronika Zahorodna, Oleksoy Gogotsi, Genevieve Dion, Yury Gogotsi, Scalable Production of MXene Dip-Coated Yarns and Cord. 2nd International MXene Conference, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA, Aug. 1–3, 2022.

Scalable Production of MXene Dip-Coated Yarns and Cord

Dr. Oleksiy Gogotsi (MRC) and Stepan Vorotilo (Drexel University) disussed their colaborative work at Drexel University with reactor for self-propagating high-temperature synthesis, designed, developed and manufactured by MRC team at Kyiv, Ukraine.

Stepan Vorotilo, Christopher Shuck, Robert Lord, Mikhail Shekhirev, Ruocun (John) Wang, Teng Zhang, Mark Anayee, Oleksiy Gogotsi, Kyle Matthewes, Iryna Roslyk, Yury Gogotsi, Scalable combustion synthesis  of MAX phase precursors to MXenes. 2nd International MXene Conference, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA, Aug. 1–3, 2022.

Dr. Oleksiy Gogotsi (MRC) and Stepan Vorotilo (Drexel University) at the conferene

Dr. Oleksiy Gogotsi, director of Materials Research Center, Kyiv, Ukraine, and Dr.  Michael Naguib, Ken and Ruth Arnold Early Career Professor in Science and Engineering and an assistant professor in the department of Physics and Engineering Physics at Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

MXene Conference Panel: Place of MXenes in the (Nano)Material World Moderator: Paul Weiss, UCLA, USA; Panelists: Andrew Rappe,  University of Pennsylvania, USA; Ian Kinloch, University of Manchester, UK; Dmitri Talapin,  University of Chicago, USA; Yury Gogotsi, Drexel University, USA; Virtual Panelist: Valeria Nicolosi, Trinity College, Ireland

MXene Conference Day 2

Dr. Christopher E. Shuck, research assistant professor at the A.J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute, Drexel University gave a plenary lecture on Scalable Synthesis of Tı3C2Tx MXene. His lecture also included slides divided to scaled up MXene sythesis using laboratory etching reactor, MXene yarn coating machine for production of MXene fiber developed and manufactured by MRC team at Kyiv, Ukraine. MXene Yarn coating machine, designed and manufactured by MRC  for Drexel team

Etching reactor for scaled-up MXene synthesis

MXene Conference Panel: MXenes in Electronics and Photonics Moderator: Norbert Koch, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany; Panelists: Husam Alshareef, KAUST, Saudi Arabia; Bahram Nabet, Drexel University, USA; Zahra Fakhraai, University of Pennsylvania, USA

MXene Conference Panel: International Rising Stars in MXene Research.  Moderator: Rogelio Miñana, Drexel University, USA.  Panelists: Mohit Saraf, Drexel University, USA; Ndeye Maty Ndiaye, Drexel University, USA; Mark Anayee, Drexel University, USA; Laura Fusco, University of Padua, Italy.

MXene Confernce Day 3 

MXene Conference Day 3, lecture on MXene Chemistry and Applications, invited speaker Dr. Vadym Mochalin, Missouri Tech, USA

MXene Conference Panel: MXenes in Medicine and Healthcare. Moderator: Flavia Vitale, University of Pennsylvania, USA. Panelists: Susan Sandeman, Brighton University, UK; Lucia DeLogu, University of Padua, Italy/NYU Abu Dhabi, UAE ;Meera Harhay, Drexel University, USAMXene Conference Panel: Roadmap for MXenes. Moderator:  Yury Gogotsi, Drexel University, USA. Panelists: Babak Anasori, IUPUI, USA; Michael Naguib, Tulane University, USA; Michel Barsoum, Drexel University, USA; Husam Alshareef, KAUST, Saudi Arabia

From recent interview of Prof. Yury Gogotsi to DrexelNOW:

MXenes are about the most transferable technology to come out of Drexel, and they're generating patents and licensing deals. Researchers from Drexel University are studying applications from smart textiles to cancer treatment to kidney dialysis to antennas and electromagnetic shields. There have been companies launched to explore applications for them.

In general, it takes usually between 15 and 25 years for new materials to go from discovery to real-world applications. Always when you make materials in small quantities, it is expensive. Until we have a large amount of cheap but high-quality material, the industry will not start using it. Bridging this gap from lab-scale production to large-scale production is always one of the key challenges for new materials.

Chemical companies will not start producing tons and tons until someone wants to buy it. On the other hand, companies that make new gadgets, like cell phones or smart textiles, won't start large-scale production until they have reliable material suppliers. Still, new materials will eventually get into production if they enable major improvement of existing functions (e.g., charging time of a lithium-ion battery) or enable new functions,such as garments with embedded antennas, energy storage capability, body temperature sensors to provide heat in some areas and cooling in other parts, etc.

Some applications are longer-term. There is a medical device company called Nephria Bio working with MXenes to improve kidney dialysis to eventually develop a wearable kidney so people won't depend on dialysis machines. Making a wearable kidney is a very attractive and important goal, but clearly it takes time. Another key application of MXenes is for electromagnetic shielding, such as to eliminate the irritating noise that happens when you have two microphones near each other. Typically, people use metal screens, but we can prevent interference with film that's virtually invisible and extremely thin. Therefore, such shields can potentially be used in hand-held electronics, Internet-of-Things devices, etc., where size and weight are of importance. Companies, researchers and investors can use MXenes to solve many technological problems.
The goal of the conference is to bring together companies, researchers, investors and doctoral or undergraduate students so they can learn and listen to leading experts in the field and select directions for future research. The conference chairs invited leading experts in the field to speak.

MXene Conference website:


News from MRC.ORG.UA

2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, Massachusetts, from December 1-6, 2024

2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Poster Session, from left to right: Prof. Yury Gogotsi, Prof. Maksym Pogorielov, Prof. Goknur Buke, Dr. Babak Anasori and Dr. Oleksiy GogotsiDr. Oleksiy Gogotsi, director of MRC and Carbon-Ukraine, innovative companies that are among the leaders on the world MXene market, visited 2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit. together with Dr. Maksym Pogorielov, Head of Advanced Biomaterials and Biophysics Laboratory, University of Latvia.

Our team participated in the 3rd International Conference at Drexel University "MXene: Changing the World", August 5-7, 2024

3rd international MXene Confernce at Drexel University, August 5-7, 2024, Philadelphia, USAMRC and Carbon-Ukraine team visited the 3rd International MXene conference held at Drexel University on August 5-8, 2024. Conference brought together the best reserchers and leading experts on MXene field. 

Visit to our project partners from Worcester Polytechnic Institute that joined to ESCULAPE research project consortium

Visiting Functional Biomaterials Lab at Worcester Polytechnic Institute led by Dr. Jeannine Coburne

Looking forward to work together with Dr. Lyubov Titova and Dr. Jeannine Coubourne from Worcester Polytechnic Institute on structural and biomedical applications of MXenes and study of their properties within HORIZON EUROPE MSCA RISE ESCULAPE project!

MXenes for biomedical applications: MXene-Polydopamine-antiCEACAM1 Antibody Complex as a Strategy for Targeted Ablation of Melanoma

MXene-Polydopamine-antiCEACAM1 Antibody Complex fro cancer therapyTogether with colleagues from the University of Latvia, MRC/Carbone Ukraine, Adam Mickiewicz University, University Clinic Essen, and others, we have developed a novel concept involving the binding of antibodies to MXenes. In our research, we utilized anti-CEACAM1 antibodies to develop targeted photo-thermal therapy for melanoma (in vitro), paving the way for future in vivo studies and clinical trials. For the first time, we demonstrate the feasibility of delivering MXenes specifically targeted to melanoma cells, enabling the effective ablation of cancer cells under near-infrared (NIR) light. This new technique opens up vast potential for the application of MXenes in cancer treatment, diagnostics, drug delivery, and many other medical purposes.

Looking forward our collaboration with Dr. Vladimir Tsukruk's team from Georgia Tech University in trilateral research project IMPRESS-U on MXene-Based Composite Bio-membranes with Tailored Properties

SSU, MRC and Carbon-Ukraine team visited research group led by Prof. Vladimir Tsukruk from Georgia Tech University, Atlanta, USA

Looking forward our collaboration with Dr. Vladimir Tsukruk's team from Georgia Tech University in trilateral research project IMPRESS-U, involving teams from Ukraine, Latvia, and the United States funded by National Science Foundation (NSF). project is focused on MXene-Based Composite Bio-membranes with Tailored Properties. Can't wait our Kick-off meeting that will be held at Latvias University in Riga with all project participants.


Our new collaborative research paper with Drexel team on Porous Ti3AlC2 MAX phase enables efficient synthesis of Ti3C2Tx MXene

porous MAX phase technologyIn this study, we have optimized the synthesis of MAX phases for MXene manufacturing. The main purpose of this study is to develop a porous Ti3AlC2MAX phase that can be easily ground into individual grains manually without time-consuming eliminating the need for drilling and intenseball-milling before MXene synthesis. Moreover, we also demonstrate the synthesis of highly porous Ti3AlC2 (about 70%) from an inexpensive raw materials.

Novel electrically conductive electrospun PCL‑MXene scaffolds for cardiac tissue regeneration

Scanning electron microscopy image of PCLMXene membranes crosssection (left side) with the representation of EDX line (dotted line) and example of cross-sectional EDX elements line scan (right side)Here we demonstrate a new developed method for depositing Ti3C2Tx MXenes onto hydrophobic electrospun PCL membranes using oxygen plasma treatment. These novel patches hold tremendous potential for providing mechanical support to damaged heart tissue and enabling electrical signal transmission,thereby mimicking the crucial electroconductivity required for normal cardiac function. After a detailed investigation of scaffold-to-cell interplay, including electrical stimulation, novel technology has the potential for clinical application not only for cardiac regeneration, but also as neural and muscular tissue substitutes.

Read recently published paper about our collaborative work: MXene Functionalized Kevlar Yarn via Automated, Continuous Dip Coating

MXene Functionalized Kevlar Yarn via Automated,Continuous Dip CoatingThe rise of the Internet of Things has spurred extensive research on integrating conductive materials into textiles to turn them into sensors, antennas, energy storage devices, and heaters. MXenes, owing to their high electrical conductivity and solution processability, offer an efficient way to add conductivity and electronic functions to textiles. Here, a versatile automated yarn dip coater tailored for producing continuously high-quality MXene-coated yarns and conducted the most comprehensive MXene-yarn dip coating study to date is developed. 

MX-MAP project secondment visit of Dr. Oleksiy Gogotsi and Veronika Zahorodna from MRC to University of Padova, Italy, October 2023

altMX-MAP project participants from MRC Dr. Oleksiy Gogotsi and Veronika Zahorodna performed split secondment visit to project partner organization University of Padova (Italy). MX-MAP project works on development of the key strategies for MXene medical applications. 

CanbioSe Project Meeting and Project Workshop, September 26-27, 2023, Montpellier, France

altCanbioSe Project Meeting and Project Workshop was held  at European Institute of Membranes (IEM), University of Montpellier, France on September 26-27, 2023. The workshop was focused on the theme of "Commercializing Biosensors, Intellectual Property, and Knowledge Transfer from Academia to Industry.

IEEE NAP 2023: 2023 IEEE 13th International Conference “Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties” Sep 10, 2023 - Sep 15, 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia

altDr. Oleksiy Gogotsi and Veronika Zahorodna visited IEEE NAP 2023 conference held in Bratislava on September 10-15, 2023. The prime focus of the IEEE NAP-2023 was on nanoscale materials with emphasis on interdisciplinary research exploring and exploiting their unique physical and chemical proprieties for practical applications.

Visit to CEST labs in Wiener Neustadt (Low Energy Ion Scattering, Batteries development) and TU Vienna (ELSA, SFA)

altDirector of MRC and Carbon-Ukraine Dr. Oleksiy Gogotsi visited CEST labs in Wiener Neustadt (Low Energy Ion Scattering, Batteries development) and TU Vienna (ELSA, SFA). He meet with Dr. Pierluigi Bilotto, Dr. Chriatian Pichler and their colleagues, discussing novel materials and r&d activities for new technologies.

MX-MAP Session at YUCOMAT Conference 2023 "Towards MXenes’ biomedical applications by high-dimensional immune MAPping", HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01 project MX-MAP.

altMX-MAP Session was held during the YUCOMAT Conference 2023 titled: "Towards MXenes’ biomedical applications by high-dimensional immune MAPping", HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01 project MX-MAP.


altThe conference was organised by the Materials Research Society of Sebia and supported by MRS-Singapore with the participation of a pleiad of distinguished scientists.

CANBIOSE secondment visit of Dr. Oleksiy Gogotsi and Veronika Zahorodna from MRC to European Institute of Membranes in Montpellier, France

altCANBIOSE project participants from MRC Dr. Oleksiy Gogotsi and Veronika Zahorodna performed secondment visit to project partner organization European Institute of Membranes in Montpellier (France) on August -September 2023.