Lecture by Professor Yury Gogotsi for students, schoolchildren of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The science of the future and the use of intelligent nanomaterials in advanced technologies
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, on February 27, 2020
The world-famous Ukrainian scientist professor Yury Gogotsi spoke about the latest innovations in nanotechnology. The opportunity to communicate with a world-class scientist is rare, but the schoolchildren and students of the Juniour Academy of Sciences of Ukraine are lucky. That opportunity they have recently received. The Training Center of the Juniour Academy of Sciences of Ukraine together with NTUU "Sikorsky KPI organized a lecture for students by professor Yury Gogotsi. About 200 students from all over Ukraine gathered to hear about his discover. First - a laboratory tour at the Faculty of Engineering and Physics. Once a young scientist Yury Gogotsi got a master’s degree here. Now he is a world-famous graduate of the Engineering Physics Department of the KPI, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, founder of the A. J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute at University of Drexel (Philadelphia, USA), one of the most respected material scientists in the scientific world and the most cited Ukrainian scientist in the world.
Research group led by professor Yury Gogotsi discovered a new type of nanomaterials - 2D materials MXenes, which provides new opportunities for energy storage, destroying cancerous tumors and even water purifivation at the molecular level.
The scientist assured the students that thanks to science the unreal becomes possible, so they chose the right and most interesting way. Spider-man costume, self-cleaning fabrics, ishot-proof glass, high-tech smart clothing, all the innovative functions of smartphones - currently this is not a fiction, but realities.
The scientist gave advice: undertake research if its results improve the world and make it a better place to live.
Video recording of the Lecture by Professor Yury Gogotsi for schoolchildren, students of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine at the Sikorsky KPI onFebruary 27/2020 is available on YouTube
During the lecture, the scientist spoke about the most interesting applications of nanomaterials:
✅ flexible and thin electronics;
✅ building paints purifying the air, or automotive paint, changing color depending on the lighting;
✅ smart clothing for athletes that reads all movements and physical parameters during training;
✅ particles that kill cancer cells already at the stage of their appearance;
✅ convenient system for dialysis, which will greatly facilitate the lives of patients;
✅ suction cups, using which Spider-Man climbs the walls.
Tips for future inventors from Professor Yury Gogotsi:
✅ You will be happy if you do what you like.
✅ Teamwork is very important. One person cannot do everything. The science of the future is teamwork.
✅ It is never too late to start in science and sport.
✅ The scientist’s right approach is to ask himself a question: does anyone need this? How to produce less polluting the planet and less warming the atmosphere? How to reduce drug toxicity?
✅ Knowledge needs to be shared.
Source: http://man.gov.ua/ua/news/academy_news/nauka--maybutnogo-br-vsesvitno-vidomiy-vcheniy-ukrayinets-yuriy-gogotsi-rozpoviv-manivtsyam-pro-ostanni-novinki-nanotekhnologiy