“Nanomaterials – based innovative engineering solution to ensure sustainable safeguard to indoor air “
29-30 January, 2019 Lisbon, Portugal
Safety and Regulation of the Engineering Nanomaterials is Workshop of the “NANOGUARD2AR” 696809 project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016.
The aim of the NANOGUARD2AR project 3rd Workshop is to discuss current the state-of-the-art on Safety of the Nanomaterials Application to the Indoor Air Quality Control, including green building concept and overall progress with Engineering Nanomaterials Regulation in EU and worldwide
The goal of the workshop is to exchange knowledges and to discuss the project’s progress between partners & experts in the field of Engineering Nanomaterials Safety and Regulation, as well as to share their expertise on nanomaterials, nanoengineering and indoor air quality for further susses of the planned WPs implementation. Interdisciplinary approaches integrating different technologies, sciences or disciplines are particularly emphasized.
The 3nd Workshop, is a valuable and motivating forum for the researchers in engineering, materials science, physics and chemistry, rom both academy and industry to discuss the latest advances and issues in engineering nanomaterials safety and regulation and also to establish their own networks and hence creating the sense of shared European values.
Workshop Organizer:
Prof. Eng. José Oliveira Santos
ULHT, E-mail:
Prof. Dr. Svitlana Lyubchyk
Campo Grande 376, 1749-024 Lisboa, PORTUGAL , ULHT sala U 2.1 da Biblioteca
Phone: +351 21 751 5500
Phone: +351 96 384 1668
There were 31 Participants, including team leaders, team’s staff and invited persons/staff from other divisions/departments from 8 academic organizations from Portugal, France, Ukraine and Belarus and 5 non-academic organization from Spain, Portugal, France and Ukraine. There were 7 Lecture/Key Notes, of the invited Profs and Eng. From others then project partner’s EU organizations from Portugal, 6 project Speakers, during 2 days of Workshop meeting.
Research team from Materials Research Centre also took part in NANOGUARD2AR Third Project Workshop - MRC Director Oleksiy Gogotsi, ESRs Veronika Zahorodna and Vitalii Balitskyi