H2020-MSCA-RISE project „Multifunctional polymer composites doped with novel 2D nanoparticles for advanced applications"
Kick-off meeting at the Academic Centre of University of Latvia, 10-11 May 2018
H2020-MSCA-RISE project „Multifunctional polymer composites doped with novel 2D nanoparticles for advanced applications NANO2DAY” started on May 1, 2018. It is aimed to develop novel multifunctional composites with outstanding electronic and mechanical properties by incorporation of novel MXene nanosheets into polymer matrixes.
Kick-off meeting organized by project coordinator, Prof. Andrey Aniskevich took place at the University of Latvia in Riga. Representatives of all eleven project partners took part in the meeting. Five of them are academic institutions from Lithuania, Latvia, Denmark, Sweden and Slovakia, four partners are SME companies from Ukriane, Latvia and Czech Republic and two academic institutions from third countries, universities from Belarus and the USA.
NANO2DAY is aiming at the development of advanced multifunctional composites with outstanding electronic and mechanical properties by incorporation of novel MXene nanosheets into polymer matrixes. The project will firstly go forward to the rational design and systematic exploration of MXene-polymer nanocomposites for wearable electronics and advanced structural components for airspace applications. This will be achieved by i) intersectoral consolidation and sharing of knowledge and expertise of 11 members from Europe and USA working in different areas and ii) collaborative research on the development and assessment of novel materials, including technology, characterisation, modelling, and validation.
The concept explored in the project accounts for finding and extending the application potential of MXene-doped polymers and validation of their effectiveness compared to well-known graphene-doped polymers. The innovative aspects followed in the project are based on up-scaling of novel technologies for “close to-industrial” synthesis of MXenes and MXene-doped polymer masterbatches and implementation of MXenes into design of structural polymer composites, including FRPs. NANO2DAY will essentially contribute to the integration of scientific insights into innovation-based industrial environment and successful implementation of novel advanced materials into practical applications.
Project partners:
LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE (LU) // Coordinator of Nano2Day, team leader - Dr. Andrey Aniskevich
KAUNO TECHNOLOGIJOS UNIVERSITETAS (KTU) , team leader - Dr. Daiva Zeleniakiene
LULEA TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET (LTU), team leader - Dr. Roberts Joffe
DANMARKS TEKNISKE UNIVERSITET (DTU), team leader - Dr. habil. Leon Mishnaevsky Jr.
BALTIC SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS SIA, team leader - Dr. Vladimir Gostilo
MATERIALS RESEARCH CENTER (MRC), team leader - Dr. Oleksiy Gogotsi
SYNPO AKCIOVA SPOLECNOST (SYNPO), team leader - Dr. Vladimír Špaček
UAB SPORTINE AVIACIJA IR KO (SA), team leader - Eng. Stasys Skalskis
BELARUSIAN STATE UNIVERSITY (BSU), team leader - Dr. Sergey Poznyak
DREXEL UNIVERSITY (DU), principal investigator - Prof. Yury Gogotsi
The aim of the project is to develop novel multifunctional composites with outstanding electronic and mechanical properties by incorporation of novel MXene nanosheets into polymer matrixes.
The overall aim of the project is to provide new materials and technologies with better performance, efficiency, quality, and cost savings in their end-user applications.
Research objectives:
Development of model-integrated technology methods for synthesis of various MXenes and manufacturing of MXene-polymer composites;
Experimental characterization of morphology, electronic, thermo-physical, and mechanical properties of MXenes and MXene/polymer composites;
Development of multi-scale modelling tools for assessment of operational properties of MXene-polymer composites;
Validation of MXene-polymer composites for use in practical applications by the development of labscale product prototypes demonstrating better performance and efficiency compared to common graphene- and other 2D nanoparticle-based composites or providing new applications. The objectives of NANO2DAY will be fulfilled by using a set of workpackages (WPs).
The project integrates the entire loop of material development from exploring new approaches for synthesis and integration of novel 2D nanoparticles to traditional polymers and composites (WP2) to characterization (WP3) and modelling (WP4) of novel composite behaviour that in turn provides the data for further improvement of technology issues (WP2). Materials and technologies being approved in the whole cycle technology-characterisation-modelling as the most effective and promising ones for definite applications are further transferred to the validation stage (WP5) via developing of demo-composites.
Pictures from the meeting in the University of Latvia
Guided walking tour in Old Riga
NANO2DAY project website: http://nano2day.eu
Project ID: 777810 MSCA-RISE-2017 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE)
NANO2DAY is aiming at the development of advanced multifunctional composites with outstanding electronic and mechanical properties by incorporation of novel MXene nanosheets into polymer matrixes. The project will firstly go forward to the rational design and systematic exploration of MXene-polymer nanocomposites for wearable electronics and advanced structural components for airspace applications.