Director of Materials Research Centre, on February, 2013, visited Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, to take part in work meeting. .
On the work meeting with Patrice Simon, professor in Material Science at Paul Sabatier University, CIRIMAT Laboratory, his staff, prof. Yury Gogotsi, director of DNI, Drexel University, USA, MRC director Oleksiy Gogotsi discussed the actual problems of the renewable energy production increasing and modern energy storage systems developing. They discussed participation of Ukrainian scientific research organization - Materials Research Centre - in the international projects and agreed to conduct joint research in electrochemistry and modern sources and energy storage devices. Prof. Patrice Simon"s research is focused on the synthesis and the characterization of nanostructured materials for electrochemical energy storage sources, including Electrochemical Capacitors and Li-ion battery systems. He is mainly involved in research on high surface area porous carbons for Electrochemical Capacitors (supercapacitors).
Toulouse University - one of the oldest universities in France and Europe, founded in XIII century.
During the French Revolution Toulouse University shared the fate of all other provincial universities - it was closed and its property was confiscated. In the XIX century, higher education in Toulouse existed in the form of autonomous faculties, recreated by Napoleon I. In 1969, the University of Toulouse split into three separate universities and numerous specialised institutions of higher education. After May 1968 it disbanded on:
Université Toulouse I - Capitole, sciences sociales (Law, Economics, Management)
Université Toulouse II - Toulouse-Le Mirail (Arts, Literature, Humanities and Languages)
Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier(Science, Technologies and Health). Today’s Toulouse III was named for Paul Sabatier, winner of the 1912 Nobel prize in chemistry, when it was established on the foundations of the old university in 1969. The Université Paul Sabatier (UPS), an educational leader in France’s Midi-Pyrénées region, offers a broad array of programs in the sciences, technology, health, and athletics.
The present-day Université de Toulouse (University of Toulouse) was founded on 27 March 2007. With more than 100,000 students, Midi-Pyrénées is the fifth-largest university area in France
Graduation Ceremony Of The Six Class Of The Erasmus Mundus Master Course In Materials For Energy Storage and Conversion