Abrasive wear of the material can be treated as solids affecting the detail surface it is contacting with (process of the particle friction against the detail surface). In some cases fractions can slide on a surface of contact which causes its plastic deformation or penetrate into the material’s surface and move with it cutting the material’s microvolumes. Intensity of the abrasive wear depends on the abrasive fractions hardness, sizes and shape.
On the video one can see the abrasive wear. Mechanism of the wear is microcutting. Choice of this mechanism is conditioned by the fact that while contact of the material, the equipment is manufactured of, with bulk material (coke), the wear of the material is going according to a scheme typical for this mechanism of wear.
The study was done on the immovable ring type facility::
- The ring is placed in a through with the abrasive material;
- Axial being effected by revolvings from the gear is passing through the centre of the ring and has two levers which allows to fix the two samples in the ring;
- Сoke annealed at 900°C was put into the through.
- three stresses of samples pressing to the ring.
Two samples St3 and stainless steel were tested simultaneously on the facility
Wear of the sample by its sliding in a mass of abrasive particles
Pattern of the Immovable ring type facility: 1 - through, 2 – immovable ring, 3 - sample, 4 - holder, 5 - beam, 6 - gear, 7 – abrasive material
Samples before a trial on the abrasive wear
Samples after a trial on the abrasive wear
Just after samples friction one started a testing, recording time and mass of the wear. In this experiment the wear takes place by the sample rotation in the mass of abrasive particles (coke). The wear is defined by determining of linear dimensions changing.
After testing there were done graphs of the wear dependence on time, considering set conditions of the experiment. Obtained from the experiment results testify that samples of various materials under different loads show different properties. For instance, the wear resistance for St3 is increasing proportionally with increasing of pressure and is decreasing by pressure increasing.
As the designed equipment is going to operate at low pressures from the results of the experiment one can see that it is reasonable to manufacture the equipment out of St3.