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Dr. Yury Gogotsi is Distinguished University Professor and Trustee Chair in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Drexel University. He also holds courtesy appointments in the Departments of Chemistry and Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics at Drexel University, and serves as Director of the A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute. He served as Associate Dean of the College of Engineering from 2003 to 2007.
Yury Gogotsi΄s research group works on all kinds of nanostructured carbons and other nanomaterials. His research group works on carbon nanotubes,nanoporous carbide-derived carbons,and nanofluidics. He has also contributed to theareas of structural ceramics,corrosion of ceramic materials, and pressure-induced phase transformations,creating a new research field called high pressure surface science and engineering. His research is focused on the fundamental and applied aspects of synthesis and characterization of carbon nanomaterials (nanotubes, nanodiamond and nanoporous carbons), ceramic nanoparticles (whiskers, nanowires, etc) and composites. Currently Gogotsi΄s team in Drexel Nanotechnology Institute develops and studies new nanomaterials and works closely with industry with the goal to significantly decrease the time from discovery to commercial application of new materials.
He has co-authored 2 books, edited 13 books, and obtained more than 40 patentsand authored more than 300 peer-reviewed papers, including more than 10 papers in Science and Nature family journals.
His research has been recognized with a European Carbon Association Award, Chang Jiang Scholar Award, S. Somiya Award from the International Union of Materials Research Societies, G.C. Kuczynski Prize from the International Institute for the Science of Sintering, Roland Snow Award from the American Ceramic Society (4 times), NANOSMAT Prize, I.N. Frantsevich Prize from the Ukrainian Academy of Science, R&D 100 Award from R&D Magazine (twice) and two Nano 50TM Awards from NASA Nanotech Briefs. He has been elected a Fellow of the American Ceramic Society, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Materials Research Society, The Electrochemical Society, as well as Academician of the World Academy of Ceramics and Full Member of the International Institute for the Science of Sintering.
Contact Information
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute, Drexel University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA
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List of Publications
Books Authored
1. Y.G. Gogotsi, V.A. Lavrenko, Corrosion of High-Performance Ceramics (Springer, Berlin 1992) 190 pp.
2. V.A. Lavrenko, Y.G. Gogotsi, Corrosion of Structural Ceramics (Metallurgiya, Moscow 1989) 198 pp. (in Russian)
Books and Proceedings Edited
3. Y. Gogotsi, V. Presser (Eds.), Carbon Nanomaterials (CRC Press / Taylor & Francis) 2013, 2nd edition.
4. Y. Gogotsi (Ed.), Nanomaterials Handbook (CRC Press, Boca Raton) 2006, 800 pp.
5. Y. Gogotsi (Ed.), Nanotubes and Nanofibers (CRC Press, Boca Raton) 2006, 264 pp.
6. Y. Gogotsi (Ed.), Carbon Nanomaterials (CRC Press, Boca Raton) 2006, 326 pp.
7. K.G. Ewsuk, Y. Gogotsi (Eds.), Characterization, Design, and Processing of Nanosize Powders and Nanostructured Materials. Ceramic Transactions, Volume 190 (American Ceramic Society, 2006), 238 pp.
8. F.K. Ko, G.R. Palmese, Y. Gogotsi, A.S.D. Wang, Proceedings of the American Society for Composites 20th Technical Conference, Sept. 7-9, 2005, Philadelphia (CD edition)
9. S.N. Basu, J.E. Krzanowski, J. Patscheider, Y. Gogotsi, Surface Engineering 2004 – Fundamentals and Applications, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, vol. 843 (MRS, Warrendale, PA, 2005)
10. S. Lu, M.Z. Hu, Y. Gogotsi (Eds.), Ceramic Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology III, Ceramic Transactions, Volume 159 (American Ceramic Society, 2005)
11. S. Guceri, Y.G. Gogotsi, V. Kuznetsov, (Eds.) Nanoengineered Nanofibrous Materials. NATO Science Series II, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Volume 169 (Kluwer, Dordrecht, NL, 2004)
12. M.R. DeGuire, M.Z. Hu, Y. Gogotsi, S.W. Lu (Eds.), Ceramic Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology II, Ceramic Transactions, Volume 148 (American Ceramic Society, 2004)
13. Y. Gogotsi, V. Domnich (Eds.), High Pressure Surface Science and Engineering (Institute of Physics Publ., Bristol, UK, 2003) 648 pp.
14. Y.G. Gogotsi, I.V. Uvarova (Eds.), Nanostructured Materials and Coatings for Biomedical and Sensor Applications, NATO Science Series (Kluwer, Dordrecht, NL, 2003)
15. Y.G. Gogotsi, R.A. Andrievski (Eds.), Materials Science of Carbides, Nitrides and Borides, NATO Science Series (Kluwer, Dordrecht, NL 1999)
Book Chapters
16. I. Neitzel, V. Mochalin, Y. Gogotsi, Chapter 13. Advances in surface chemistry of nanodiamond and nanodiamond-polymer composites, in Ultrananocrystalline Diamond, edited by O. Shenderova, D. Gruen, 2nd ed. Elsevier, pp. 421-456 (2012)
17. S. Osswald, Y. Gogotsi, Chapter 12: In situ Raman Spectroscopy of Oxidation of Carbon Nanomaterials, in Raman Spectroscopy for Nanomaterials Characterization, edited by C.S.S.R. Kumar, Springer, Berlin, pp. 291-351 (2012)
18. T. Kyotani, J. Chmiola, Y. Gogotsi, Carbide Derived Carbon and Templated Carbons, Chapter 3 in Carbon Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems, edited by F. Beguin and E. Frackowiak, CRC Press/Taylor and Francis, pp. 77-113 (2010).
19. S. Dimovski, Y. Gogotsi, Graphite whiskers, cones and polyhedral crystals, in Nanomaterials Handbook, edited by Y. Gogotsi, CRC Press, pp. 177-202 (2006).
20. G. Yushin, A. Nikitin, Y. Gogotsi, Carbide-derived carbon, in Nanomaterials Handbook, edited by Y. Gogotsi, CRC Press, pp. 239-282 (2006).
21. V. Domnich, Y. Gogotsi, “Raman microspectroscopy”, in High Pressure Surface Science and Engineering, edited by Y. Gogotsi and V. Domnich, Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol/Philadelphia, pp. 349-365 (2004).
22. V. Domnich, D.B. Ge, Y. Gogotsi, “Indentation induced phase transformations in semiconductors”, in High Pressure Surface Science and Engineering, edited by Y. Gogotsi and V. Domnich, Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol/Philadelphia, pp. 381-442 (2004).
23. V. Domnich, Y. Gogotsi, “Indentation induced phase transformations in ceramics”, in High Pressure Surface Science and Engineering, edited by Y. Gogotsi and V. Domnich, Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol/Philadelphia, pp. 443-466 (2004).
24. T. Juliano, V. Domnich, Y. Gogotsi, “Phase transformations under dynamic loading”, in High Pressure Surface Science and Engineering, edited by Y. Gogotsi and V. Domnich, Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol/Philadelphia, pp. 521-540 (2004).
25. D. Ge, Y. Gogotsi, Transmission Electron Microscopy, in High Pressure Surface Science and Engineering, Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol/Philadelphia, pp. 366-377 (2004).
26. A. Nikitin, Y. Gogotsi, Nanostructured Carbide-Derived Carbon (CDC), in Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, H.S. Nalwa, Ed., vol. 7, pp. 553-574 (American Scientific Publishers, CA 2004)
27. Y. Gogotsi, J.A. Libera, M. Yoshimura, Chapter 8: Hydrothermal Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes, in Fundamentals of Carbon Nanotube and the Front Line of Their Industrialization, pp. 241-254 (NTS, 2001) (in Japanese)
28. V. Domnich, Y. Gogotsi, Chapter 5: High Pressure Surface Science, in Handbook of Surfaces and Interfaces of Materials, H.S. Nalwa, Ed., vol. 2, pp. 195-237 (Academic Press, 2001)
29. V. Domnich, Y. Gogotsi, High Pressure Surface Science, in Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences, R. J. Celotta & T. Lucatorto, Eds., vol. 38: Advances in Surface Science, H.S. Nalwa, Ed., pp. 355-445 (Academic Press, 2001)
30. K.G. Nickel, Y.G. Gogotsi, Corrosion of Hard Materials, in Handbook of Ceramic Hard Materials, R. Riedel, Ed., Vol. 1, 140-182 (VCH/Wiley, 2000)
31. K.G. Nickel, T. Kraft, Y.G. Gogotsi, Hydrothermal Synthesis of Diamond, in Handbook of Ceramic Hard Materials, R. Riedel, Ed., Vol. 1: 374-389 (VCH/Wiley, 2000)
32. Y.G. Gogotsi, Structural Ceramics: Manufacturing, Properties, Applications (Znanie, Kiev 1990) 19 pp. (in Russian)
Editorials, Perspectives, Book Reviews, etc.
33. Y. Gogotsi, Book review: Scanning Probe Microscopy for Energy Research, American Ceramic Society Bulletin, 92 (8) 40-41 (2013)
34. A. Bianco, H.-M. Cheng, T. Enoki, Y. Gogotsi, R. Hurt, N. Koratkar, T. Kyotani, M. Monthioux, C.-R. Park, J.M.D. Tascon, J. Zhang, Editorial: All in the graphene family - a recommended nomenclature for two-dimensional carbon materials, Carbon, 65, 1-6 (2013)
35. Y. Gogotsi, Book review: Graphene in Composite Materials: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, Carbon, 61, 650-651 (2013)
36. G. S. Rohrer, M. Affatigato, M. Backhaus, R. K. Bordia, H. M. Chan, S. Curtarolo, A. Demkov, J. N. Eckstein, K. T. Faber, J. E. Garay, Y. Gogotsi, L. Huang, L E. Jones, S. V. Kalinin, R. J. Lad, C. G. Levi, J. Levy, J.-P. Maria, L. Mattos Jr., A. Navrotsky, N. Orlovskaya, C. Pantano, J. F. Stebbins, T. S. Sudarshan, T. Tani, K. Scott Weil, Challenges in Ceramic Science: A Report from the Workshop on Emerging Research Areas in Ceramic Science, J. American Ceramic Society, 95 (12) 3699–4021 (2012)
37. F. Rodriguez-Reinoso, T. Kyotani, Y. Gogotsi, Editorial: A Festschrift Issue to Honour Peter A. Thrower, Carbon, 50 (9) 3121-3122 (2012)
38. Y. Gogotsi, Not Just Graphene, Materials Today, 15 (1/2) 574 (2012)
39. B. Anasori, M. Naguib, Y. Gogotsi, M. W. Barsoum, The Cliff of the Two-Dimensional World, Science, 335, 527 (2012)
40. Y. Gogotsi, Controlling Graphene Properties Through Chemistry, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2 (19), 2509–2510 (2011)
41. Y. Gogotsi, B. Etzold, Book review: Carbon-based Solids and Materials, Carbon, 49, 5398–5399 (2011)
42. Y. Gogotsi, J. Chmiola, Nanoscale Advances Lead to Big Power for Supercapacitors, Machine Design, August 11, 2011.
43. P.K. Davies, Y. Gogotsi, Obituary: John E. (Jack) Fischer, June 8, 1939–June 28, 2011, Carbon, 49, 4075 –4076 (2011)
44. Y. Gogotsi, High-Temperature Rubber Made from Carbon Nanotubes, Science, 330, 1332-1333 (2010)
45. Y. Gogotsi, M. S. Whittingham, Materials for Electrical Energy Storage: Introduction, J. Mater. Res., 25 (8) 1411-1412 (2010)
46. Y. Gogotsi, Book review: Carbon Nanotube Science: Synthesis, Properties and Applications, Carbon, 47, 3585–3586 (2009).
47. Y. Gogotsi, P. Simon, Foreword, in Nanostructured Materials in Electrochemistry, edited by A. Eftekhari, WILEY-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, pp. XVII-XIX (2008).
48. H. H. Bau, Y. Gogotsi, C. M. Megaridis, and J.-C. Bradley, Unraveling the Behavior of Liquids at the Nanoscale, Trans. ASME J. Fluid Engineering, 128, 3-4 (2006)
49. Lu, S.W., Hu, M., Gogotsi, Y. Ceramic Transactions: Preface (Editorial) Vol. 159, 2005, pp. viii-ix
50. Y. Gogotsi, How Safe are Nanotubes and Other Nanofilaments? Materials Research Innovations, 7 (4) 192-194 (2003)
51. Y. Gogotsi, Perspective: Designing Carbon Crystals for Nanotechnology Applications, Crystal Growth and Design, 1 (3) 179-181 (2001)
Articles on Education
52. J.S. Atchison, D. Tadros, Y. Gogotsi, P. Holt, W.A. Stoy, J.A. Kots, C.L. Schauer, Exploring nanotechnology with electrospinning: Design, experiment, and discover. 119th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, Code 91898, 33p (2012)
53. V. Genis, M. Mauk, Y. Gogotsi, D. Sakalley, J. Hagarman, H. Burnside, Lean Six Sigma Nanomanufacturing Course for Undergraduate Engineering Technology and Engineering Programs, Journal of Engineering Technology, 27 (2) 18-29 (2011)
54. J. Chmiola, R. Weerasooriya, P. Gogotsi, and Y. Gogotsi, Building Low-Cost Supercapacitors: Experience in Materials for Energy Applications, Journal of Material Education, 31 (3/4) 219-230 (2009)
55. J. Chmiola, R. Weerasooriya, P. Gogotsi, Y. Gogotsi, Low-cost Supercapacitors for Household Electrical Energy Storage and Harvesting, 214th ECS Meeting/PRiME 2008, Honolulu, HI, Student Posters (General) - ECS Transactions, v. 16 (issue 24) pp. 13-21 (2009)
56. H. Burnside, J. McGonigle, Y. Gogotsi, D.A. Bonnell, J. Ferroni, M. Choi, RET-Nano: Drexel University/University of Pennsylvania partnership, in 236th National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society Location: Philadelphia, PA, AUG 17-21, 2008, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 236, Meeting Abstract 58-CHED
57. Y. Gogotsi, H. Burnside, M.Y. Choi, J. Ferroni. Materials science in secondary education: Non-MRSEC initiatives (Letter), Nature Materials, 4, 357 (2005)
58. C.Y. Li, K. Tenneti, D. Solari, A. Zavaliangos, S. Kalidindi, Y. Gogotsi, K. Sohlberg, N.J. DiNardo, DNET: The Drexel Nano Engineering Track, Journal of Material Education, 26 (3-4) 207-212 (2004)
59. C.Y. Li, K. Tenneti, D. Solari, A. Zavaliangos, S. Kalidindi, Y. Gogotsi, K. Sohlberg, N.J. DiNardo, DNET: The Drexel Nano Engineering Track, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. v. 827E, BB1.8.1-BB1.8.6 (2004)
60. K. Cowan, Y. Gogotsi, The Drexel/UPenn IGERT: Creating a new model for graduate education in nanotechnology, Journal of Material Education, 26 (1-2) 147-152 (2004)
Research articles in peer-reviewed journals
61. K. L. Van Aken, J. K. McDonough, S. Li, G. Feng, S. M. Chathoth, E. Mamontov, P. F. Fulvio, P. T. Cummings, S. Dai, Y. Gogotsi, Effect of cation on diffusion coefficient of ionic liquids at onion-like carbon electrodes, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, (2013)
62. J. Halim, M. R. Lukatskaya, K. M. Cook, J. Lu, C. Smith, L.-Å. Näslund, S. May, L. Hultman, Y. Gogotsi, P. Eklund, M. W. Barsoum, Transparent conductive films of two-dimensional titanium carbide, Nature Materials, Nature Materials, (2013)
63. H. Hu, Z. B. Zhao, W. B. Wan, Y. Gogotsi, J. S. Qiu, Polymer/graphene hybrid aerogel with high compressibility, conductivity and “sticky” superhydrophobicity, Advanced Functional Materials, (2013)
64. Q. Zhou, Z. Zhao, Z. Wang, Y. Dong, X. Wang, Y. Gogotsi, J. Qiu, Low Temperature Plasma Synthesis of Mesoporous Fe3O4 Nanorods Grafted on Graphene for High-rate Lithium Storage, Nanoscale, (2013)
65. A. Uysal, H. Zhou, G. Feng, S. Lee, S. Li, P. Fenter, P. Cummings, P. Fulvio, S. Dai, J. McDonough, Y. Gogotsi, Structural Origins of Hysteresis at the Electrified Graphene/Ionic Liquid Interface, JPC Letters, (2013)
66. C. Zhang, Q. Gao, G. Bhargava, B. Zhou, D. Yates, I. Knoke, I. Neitzel, Y. Gogotsi, Hollow Graphitic Carbon Nanospheres: Synthesis and Properties, J. Mater. Sci. (2013)
67. J. Senthilnathan, C.C. Weng, W.T. Tsai, Y. Gogotsi, M. Yoshimura, Synthesis of Carbon by Electrochemical Etching of SiC, Carbon, (2013)
68. Y. Gao, T. Longenbach, E. Vitol, Z. Orynbayeva, G. Friedman, Y. Gogotsi, One-Dimensional Nanoprobes for Single Cell Studies, Nanomedicine (2013) (invited review)
69. M. Naguib, J. Halim, J. Lu, K. Cook, L. Hultman, Y. Gogotsi, M. W. Barsoum, New Two-Dimensional Niobium and Vanadium Carbides as Promising Materials for Li-ion Batteries, JACS, (2013)
70. M. Naguib, V.M. Mochalin, M.W. Barsoum, Y. Gogotsi, MXenes: A New Family of Two-Dimensional Materials, Advanced Materials, (2013) (invited review)
71. B. Dyatkin, V. Presser, M. Heon, M. R. Lukatskaya, M. Beidaghi, Y. Gogotsi, Development of a “Green” Supercapacitor Composed Entirely of Environmentally Friendly Materials, ChemSusChem, (2013)
72. V. N. Mochalin, A. Pentecost, X.-M. Li, I. Neitzel, M. Nelson, C. Wei, T. He, F. Guo, Y. Gogotsi, Adsorption of Drugs on Nanodiamond: Towards Development of a Drug Delivery Platform, Molecular Pharmaceutics, (2013)
73. K. Hu, Y. Gao, Y. Wang, Y. Yu, X. Zhao, S. A. Rotenberg, E. Gökmeşe, M. V. Mirkin, G. Friedman, Y. Gogotsi, Platinized Carbon Nanoelectrodes as Potentiometric and Amperometric SECM Probes, J. Solid State Electrochem. (2013)
74. E. A. Vitol, G. Friedman, Y. Gogotsi, Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy-Active Substrates: Adapting the Shape of Plasmonic Nanoparticles for Different Biological Applications, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, v. 13 (2013)
75. J. M. Black, G. Feng, P. F. Fulvio, P. C. Hillesheim, S. Dai, Y. Gogotsi, P. T. Cummings, S. V. Kalinin, N. Balke, Strain-Based In Situ Study of Anion and Cation Insertion into Porous Carbon Electrodes with Different Pore Sizes, Adv. Energy Mater. (2013)
76. C. R. Dennison, M. Beidaghi, K. B. Hatzell, J. W. Campos, Y. Gogotsi, E. C. Kumbur, Effects of Flow Cell Design on Charge Percolation and Storage in the Carbon Slurry Electrodes of Electrochemical Flow Capacitors, J. Power Sources, 247, 489-496 (2014)
77. P. Huang, D. Pech, R. Lin, J. K. McDonough, M. Brunet, P.-L. Taberna, Y. Gogotsi, P. Simon, On-chip Micro-supercapacitors for Operation in a Wide Temperature Range, Electrochemistry Communications, 36, 53-56(2013)
78. W. Wan, Z. Zhao, H. Hu, Y. Gogotsi, J. Qiu, Highly Controllable and Green Reduction of Graphene Oxide to Flexible Graphene Film with High Strength, Materials Research Bulletin, 48 (11), 4797-4803 (2013)
79. D. M. Anjos, J. K. McDonough, E. Perre, G. M. Brown, S. H. Overbury, Y. Gogotsi, V. Presser, Pseudocapacitance and Performance Stability of Quinone-coated Carbon Onions, Nano Energy, 2 (5), 702-712 (2013)
80. M. R. Lukatskaya, O. Mashtalir, C. E. Ren, Y. Dall’Agnese, P. Rozier, P. Louis Taberna, M. Naguib, P. Simon, M. W. Barsoum, Y. Gogotsi, Cation Intercalation and High Volumetric Capacitance of Two-dimensional Titanium Carbide, Science, 341 (6153), 1502-1505 (2103)
81. K. B. Hatzell, M. Beidaghi, J. W. Campos, C. R. Dennison, E. C. Kumbur, Y. Gogotsi, A High Performance Pseudocapacitive Suspension Electrode for the Electrochemical Flow Capacitor, Electrochimica Acta, 111, 888-897 (2013)
82. J.K. McDonough, Y. Gogotsi, Carbon Onions: Synthesis and Electrochemical Applications, Interface, Fall 2013, 61-66 (2013) (invited review)
83. F. W. Richey, B. Dyatkin, Y. Gogotsi, Y.A. Elabd, Ion Dynamics in Porous Carbon Electrodes in Supercapacitors using in situ Infrared Spectroelectrochemistry, J. Am. Chem. Society, 135 (34), 12818–12826 (2013)
84. B. Abdulhakeem, M. Fabiane, J. N. Lekitima, O. O Fashedemi, D. Dodoo-Ahrin, K.I. Ozoemena, Y. Gogotsi, A. T. Johnson, N. Manyala, High Performance Symmetric Composite Electrode Based on Graphene Foam and Manganese Oxide Nanostructured for Capacitive Energy Storage, AIP Advances, 3, 082118 (2013)
85. J. Vatamanu, Z. Hu, D. Bedrov, C. Perez, Y. Gogotsi, Limits of Energy Storage in Electrochemical Capacitors with Ionic Liquid Electrolytes and Nanostructured Carbon Electrodes, J. Phys. Chem. Lett, 4, 2829−2837 (2013)
86. K. Jost, D. Stenger, C. R. Perez, J. K. McDonough, K. Lian, Y. Gogotsi, G. Dion, Knitted and screen printed carbon fiber EDLCs for applications in wearable electronics, Energy and Environmental Science, 6 (9), 2698 - 2705 (2013)
87. P. Ruvinskiy, I. V. Barsukov, O. Mashtalir, C. M. Reid, J. J. Wu, Y. Gogotsi, Nano-Silicon Containing Composite Graphitic Anodes with Improved Cycling Stability for Application in High Energy Lithium-Ion Batteries, Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2 (10) M3028-M3033 (2013)
88. N. A. Vacirca, J. K. McDonough, K. Jost, Y. Gogotsi, T. P. Kurzweg, Onion-like Carbon and Carbon Nanotube Film Antennas, Applied Physics Letters, 103 (7), 073301 (2013)
89. W.-Y. Tsai, P.-C. Gao, B. Daffos, P.-L. Taberna, C. R. Perez, Y. Gogotsi, F. Favier, P. Simon, Ordered Mesoporous Silicon Carbide-Derived Carbon for High-power Supercapacitors, Electrochem. Comm. 34, 109–112 (2013)
90. T. Kondo, I. Neitzel, V. N. Mochalin, J. Urai, M. Yuasa, Y. Gogotsi, Electrical Conductivity of Thermally Hydrogenated Nanodiamond Powders, J. Applied Physics, 113, 214307 (2013)
91. A. M. Panich, A. I. Shames, N. A. Sergeev, M. Olszewski, J.K. McDonough, V. Mochalin, Y. Gogotsi, Nanodiamond graphitization – a magnetic resonance study, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 25, 245303 (2013)
92. P. Simon, Y. Gogotsi, Capacitive Energy Storage in Nanostructured Carbon-Electrolyte Systems, Accounts Chem. Res. 46 (5) 1094–1103 (2013) (invited review)
93. W.-Y. Tsai, R. Lin, S. Murali, L. L. Zhang, J. K. McDonough, R. S. Ruoff, P.-L. Taberna, Y. Gogotsi, P. Simon, Outstanding performance of activated graphene based supercapacitors in ionic liquid electrolyte from −50 to 80 °C, Nano Energy, 2 (3), 403-411 (2013)
94. C.J. Karwacki, P. Ganesh, P.R.C. Kent, W.O. Gordon, G.W. Peterson, J.J. Niu, Y. Gogotsi, Structure-Activity Relationship of Au/ZrO2 Catalyst on Formation of Hydroxyl Groups and Its Influence on CO Oxidation, J. Mater. Chem. A, 1, 6051-6062 (2013)
95. A. C. Forse, J. M. Griffin, H. Wang, N. M. Trease, V. Presser, Y. Gogotsi, P. Simon, C. P. Grey, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Adsorption of Electrolyte Ions on Carbide-derived Carbon, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15, 7722-7730 (2013)
96. G. Cambaz-Buke, G. Yushin, V. Mochalin, Y. Gogotsi, Effect of Defects on Graphitization of SiC, J. Mater Res. 28 (7) 952-957(2012)
97. J. Cebik, J. K. McDonough, F. Peerally, R. Medrano, I. Neitzel, Y. Gogotsi, S. Osswald, In situ Raman Spectroscopy Study of the Nanodiamond-to-Carbon Onion Transformation, Nanotechnology, 24, 205703 (2013)
98. Y. Fan, Z. Zhao, Q. Zhou, G. Li, X. Wang, J. Qiu, Y. Gogotsi, Nitrogen-doped carbon microfibers with porous textures, Carbon, 58, 128-133 (2013)
99. O. Mashtalir, M. Naguib, V. N. Mochalin, Y. Dall’agnese, M. Heon, M. W. Barsoum, Y. Gogotsi, Intercalation and Delamination of Layered Carbides, Nature Communication, 4, 1716 (2013)
100. H. Hu, Z. Zhao, W. Wan, Y. Gogotsi, J. Qiu, Ultralight and highly compressible graphene aerogels, Advanced Materials, 25 (15) 2219–2223 (2013)
101. J. W. Campos, M. Beidaghi, K. B. Hatzell, C. R. Dennison, B. Musci, V. Presser, E. C. Kumbur, Yury Gogotsi, Investigation of Carbon Materials for Use as a Flowable Electrode in Electrochemical Flow Capacitors, Electrochimica Acta, 98, 123-130 (2013)
102. M. Fukano, T. Fujimori, J. Ségalini, E. Iwama, P.-L. Taberna, T. Iiyama, T. Ohba, H. Kanoh, Y. Gogotsi, P. Simon, K. Kaneko, Vertically-Oriented Propylene Carbonate Molecules and Tetraethyl Ammonium Ions in Carbon Slit Pores, J. Phys. Chem. C, 117, 5752-5757 (2013)
103. M.V. Kharlamova, V.N. Mochalin, M.R. Lukatskaya, J. Niu, V. Presser, S. Mikhalovsky, Y. Gogotsi, Adsorption of Proteins in Channels of Carbon Nanotubes – Effect of Surface Chemistry, Materials Express, 3, 1-10 (2012)
104. O. Mashtalir, M. Naguib, B. Dyatkin, Y. Gogotsi, M.W. Barsoum, Kinetics of aluminum extraction from Ti3AlC2 in hydrofluoric acid, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 139, 147-152 (2013)
105. J. Yang, C. Yu, X.M. Fan, Z. Ling, J.S. Qiu, Y. Gogotsi, Facile fabrication of MWCNT-doped NiCoAl-layered double hydroxide nanosheets with enhanced electrochemical performances. J. Mater. Chem. A, 1, 1963-1968 (2013)
106. C. R. Pérez, S.-H. Yeon, J. Ségalini, V. Presser, P.-L. Taberna, P. Simon, Y. Gogotsi, Structure and Electrochemical Performance of Carbide-Derived Carbon Nanopowders, Advanced Functional Materials 23, 1081–1089 (2013)
107. O. Mashtalir, M. Kurtoglu, S. Pogulay, A. Gogotsi, M. N. Abdelmalak, Y. Gogotsi, Photocatalytic WO3 and TiO2 films on brass, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 10 (1) 26–32 (2013)
108. T. M. Arruda, M. Heon, V. Presser, P. C. Hillesheim, S. Dai, Y. Gogotsi, S. V. Kalinin, Nina Balke, In situ tracking of the nanoscale expansion of porous carbon electrodes, Energy and Environmental Science, 6, 225-231 (2013)
109. P. Huang, M. Heon, D. Pech, M. Brunet, P.-L. Taberna, Y. Gogotsi, S. Lofland, J. D. Hettinger, P. Simon, Micro-supercapacitors from Carbide Derived Carbon (CDC) Films on Silicon Chips, J. Power Sources 225, 240-244 (2013)
110. I. Neitzel, V. Mochalin, J. Niu, J. Cuadra, A. Kontsos, G. R. Palmese, Y. Gogotsi, Maximizing Young’s modulus of aminated nanodiamond-epoxy composites measured in compression, Polymer, 53, 5965-5971 (2012).
111. M. Kurtoglu, M. Naguib, Y. Gogotsi, M. W. Barsoum, First Principles Study of Two-Dimensional Early Transition Metals Carbides, MRS Communications, 2, 133-137 (2012)
112. H. Zhou, M. Rouha, G. Feng, S. Soo Lee, H. Docherty, P. Fenter, P. T. Cummings, P. F. Fulvio, S. Dai, V. Presser, J. McDonough, Y. Gogotsi, Nano-scale Perturbations of Room Temperature Ionic Liquid Structure at Charged and Uncharged Interfaces, ACS Nano, 6 (11), 9818–9827 (2012)
113. V. Presser, S.-H. Yeon, C. Vakifahmetoglu, C. A. Howell, S. R. Sandeman, P. Colombo, S. Mikhalovsky, Y. Gogotsi, Hierarchical porous carbide-derived carbons for the removal of cytokines from blood plasma, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 1 (6) 796-800 (2012)
114. M.M. Hantel, V. Presser, J.K. McDonough, G. Feng, P. Cummings, Y. Gogotsi, R. Kötz, In-situ electrochemical dilatometry of onion-like carbon and carbon black, J. Electrochem. Soc. 159 (11) A1897-A1903 (2012)
115. S. Osswald, J. Chmiola, Y. Gogotsi, Structural Evolution of Carbide-Derived Carbons upon Vacuum Annealing, Carbon, 50 (13) 4880-4886 (2012)
116. M. Oschatz, L. Borchardt, M. Thommes, K. A. Cychosz, I. Senkovska, N. Klein, R. Frind, M. Leistner, V. Presser, Y. Gogotsi, S. Kaskel, Carbide-Derived Carbon Monoliths with Hierarchical Pore Architectures, Angew. Chemie, 51 (30) 7577-7580(2012)
117. J. Come, M. Naguib, P. Rozier, M. W. Barsoum, Y. Gogotsi, P.-L. Taberna, M. Morcrette, P. Simon, A non-aqueous asymmetric cell with a Ti2C-based two-dimensional negative electrode, J. Electrochem. Soc. 159 (8) A1368-A1373 (2012)
118. E. Vitol, Z. Orynbayeva, G. Friedman, Y. Gogotsi, Nanoprobes for intracellular and single cell surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 43, 817-827 (2012) (review)
119. R. Singhal, V. Mochalin, M. Lukatskaya, G. Friedman, Y. Gogotsi, Separation and Liquid Chromatography Using a Single Carbon Nanotube, Scientific Reports 2, 510 (2012)
120. V. Presser, C. R. Dennison, J. Campos, K. W. Knehr, E. C. Kumbur, Y. Gogotsi, The Electrochemical Flow Capacitor: A New Concept for Rapid Energy Storage and Recovery, Advanced Energy Materials, 2, 895–902 (2012)
121. M. Lukatskaya, Y. Gogotsi, Three-dimensional nanostructures from porous anodic alumina, MRS Comm., 2 (2) 51-54 (2012)
122. W. Xu, X. Wang, Q. Zhou, B. Meng, J. Zhao, J. Qiu, Y. Gogotsi, Low-temperature plasma-assisted preparation of graphene supported palladium nanoparticles with high hydrodesulfurization activity, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22, 14363-14368 (2012)
123. Z. Orynbayeva, R. Singhal, E. A. Vitol, M. G. Schrlau, E. Papazoglou, G. Friedman, Y. Gogotsi, Physiological validation of cell health upon probing with carbon nanotube endoscope and its benefit for single cell interrogation, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, 8, 590–598 (2012)
124. J. Qu, Z. Zhao, X. Wang, J. Qiu, Y. Gogotsi, SiOX Nanowire Assemblies Grown by Floating Catalyst Method, Mater. Express 2 (2), 157-163 (2012)
125. L. Borchardt, M. Oschatz, M. Lohe, V. Presser, Y. Gogotsi, S. Kaskel, Ordered Mesoporous Carbide-Derived Carbons prepared via Soft Templating, Carbon 50 (11) 3987–3994 (2012)
126. I. Neitzel, V. Mochalin, J. Bares, R. Carpick, A. Erdemir, Y. Gogotsi, Tribological properties of nanodiamond-epoxy composites, Tribology Letters, 47 (2) 195-202 (2012)
127. A. Tokarev, A. Aprelev, M. N. Zakharov, G. Korneva, Y. Gogotsi, and K.G. Kornev, Multifunctional magnetic rotator for micro and nanorheological studies, Review of Scientific Instruments, 83, 065110 (2012)
128. F. Odeyemi, M. Pekker, A. Rabinovich, A.A. Fridman, M. Heon, V.N. Mochalin, Y. Gogotsi, Low Temperature Plasma Reforming of Hydrocarbon Fuels into Hydrogen and Carbon Suboxide for Energy Generation without CO2 Emission, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 40 (5) 1362-1370 (2012)
129. H. Hu, Z. Zhao, Q. Zhou, Y. Gogotsi, J. Qiu, The Role of Microwave Absorption on Formation of Graphene from Graphite Oxide, Carbon, 50 (9) 3267-3273 (2012)
130. J.K. McDonough, A.I. Frolov, V. Presser, J. Niu, C.H. Miller, T. Ubieto, M.V. Fedorov, Y. Gogotsi, Influence of the structure of carbon onions on their electrochemical performance in supercapacitor electrodes, Carbon, 50 (9) 3298-3309 (2012)
131. Q. Zhang, V. N. Mochalin, I. Neitzel, K. Hazeli, J. Niu, A. Kontsos, J. G. Zhou, P. I. Lelkes, Y. Gogotsi, Mechanical Properties and Biomineralization of Multifunctional Nanodiamond-PLLA Composites for Bone Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials, 33 (20) 5067–5075 (2012)
132. S. Guo, S. D. Solares, V. Mochalin, I. Neitzel, Y. Gogotsi, S. V. Kalinin, S. Jesse, Multifrequency imaging in the intermittent contact mode of atomic force microscopy: beyond phase imaging, Small, 8 (8) 1264-1269 (2012)
133. S. Porada, L. Weinstein, R. Dash, A. van der Wal, M. Bryjak, Y. Gogotsi, P.M. Biesheuvel, Water Desalination using Capacitive Deionization with Microporous Carbon Electrodes, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 4, 1194-1199 (2012)
134. C. Merlet, B. Rotenberg, P.A. Madden, P.-L. Taberna, P. Simon, Y. Gogotsi, and M. Salanne, On the molecular origin of supercapacitance in nanoporous carbon electrodes, Nature Materials, 11 (4) 306-310 (2012)
135. S. Kondrat, C. R. Perez, V. Presser, Y. Gogotsi, A. A. Kornyshev, Effect of pore size and its dispersity on the energy storage in nanoporous supercapacitors, Energy & Environmental Science, 5, 6474-6479 (2012)
136. M. Naguib, O. Mashtalir, J. Carle, V. Presser, J. Lu, L. Hultman, Y. Gogotsi, M.W. Barsoum, Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Carbides, ACS Nano 6 (2) 1322–1331 (2012)
137. E. Laird, W. Wang, S. Cheng, B. Li, V. Presser, B. Dyatkin, Y. Gogotsi, C. Y. Li, Polymer single crystal-decorated superhydrophobic buckypaper with controlled wetting and conductivity, ACS Nano 6 (2) 1204–1213 (2012)
138. W. Wang, E. D. Laird, Y. Gogotsi, C. Y. Li, Bending single-walled carbon nanotubes into nanorings using a Pickering emulsion-based process, Carbon, 50 (5) 1769-1775 (2012)
139. M. Naguib, J. Come, B. Dyatkin, V. Presser, P.-L. Taberna, P. Simon, M. W. Barsoum, Y. Gogotsi MXene: a promising transition metal carbide anode for lithium-ion batteries, Electrochemistry Communications, 16, 61-64 (2012)
140. J. Segalini, E. Iwama, P.-L. Taberna, Y. Gogotsi, P. Simon, Steric Effects in Adsorption of Ions form Mixed Electrolytes into Microporous Carbon, Electrochemistry Communications, 15 (1), 63–65 (2012)
141. H. Zhou, P. Ganesh, V. Presser, M. C. F. Wander, P. Fenter, P. R. C. Kent, D.-E. Jiang, A. A. Chialvo, J. McDonough, K. L. Shuford, Y. Gogotsi, Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic Patchwork on Epitaxial Graphene, Phys. Rev. B, 85, 035406 (2012)
142. Y. Gao, V. Presser, L. Zhang, J. J. Niu, J. McDonough, C. R. Pérez, H. Lin, H. Fong, Y. Gogotsi, High power supercapacitor electrodes based on flexible TiC-CDC nano-felts, J. Power Sources, 201, 368-375 (2012)
143. L. He, S. M. Chathoth, Y.B. Melnichenko, V. Presser, J. McDonough, Y. Gogotsi, Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Characterization of the Structure of Nanoporous Carbons for Energy-Related Applications, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 149 (1) 46-54 (2012)
144. V. Mochalin, O. Shenderova, D. Ho, Y. Gogotsi, The properties and applications of nanodiamonds, Nature Nanotechnology, 7 (1) 11-23 (2012) (review)
145. Y. Gogotsi, P. Simon, True Performance Metrics in Electrochemical Energy Storage, Science, 334, 917-918 (2011)
146. J.J. Niu, V. Presser, C.J. Karwacki, Y. Gogotsi, Ultrasmall Gold Nanoparticles with the Size Controlled by the Carbide-Derived Carbon Template, Materials Express, 1 (4) 259-266 (2011) (cover article)
147. M. Naguib, V. Presser, D. Tallman, J. Lu, L. Hultman, Y. Gogotsi, M. W. Barsoum, On the Topotactic Transformation of Ti2AlC into a Ti-C-O-F Cubic Phase by Heating in Molten Lithium Fluoride in Air, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 94 (12) 4556-4561 (2011)
148. K. Jost, C. R. Perez, J. McDonough, V. Presser, M. Heon, G. Dion, Y. Gogotsi, Carbon Coated Textiles for Flexible Energy Storage, Energy and Environmental Science, 4, 5060-5067 (2011)
149. H. Wang, T. Köster, N. Trease, J. Segalini, P.-L. Taberna, P. Simon, Y. Gogotsi, C. Grey, Real-Time NMR Studies of Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 19270–19273 (2011).
150. M. Naguib, V. Presser, N. Lane, D. Tallman, Y. Gogotsi, J. Lu, L. Hultman, M. W. Barsoum, Synthesis of a New Nanocrystalline Titanium Aluminium Fluoride Phase by Reaction of Ti2AlC with Hydrofluoric Acid, RSC Advances, 1, 1493-1499 (2011)
151. C. Largeot, P.-L. Taberna, Y. Gogotsi, P. Simon, Microporous Carbon-Based Electrical Double Layer Capacitor Operating at High Temperature in Ionic Liquid Electrolyte, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 14(12) A174-A176 (2011)
152. M. M. Hantel, V. Presser, R. Kötz, and Y. Gogotsi, In situ Electrochemical Dilatometry of Carbide Derived Carbons, Electrochemistry Communications, 13 (11), 1221-1224 (2011)
153. P. M. Vora, P. Gopu, M. Rosario-Canales, C. R. Perez, Y. Gogotsi, J. J. Santiago-Avilues, J. M. Kikkawa, Correlating Magnetotransport and Diamagnetism of sp2-Bonded Carbon Networks Through the Metal-Insulator Transition, Phys. Rev. B, 84, 155114 (2011)
154. M. Naguib, M. Kurtoglu, V. Presser, J. Lu, J.-J. Niu, M. Heon, L. Hultman, Y. Gogotsi, M. W. Barsoum, Two-Dimensional Nanocrystals Produced by Exfoliation of Ti3AlC2, Advanced Materials, 23 (37), 4207-4331 (2011) (Cover article)
155. V. Mochalin, I. Neitzel, B. Etzold, A. Peterson, G. Palmese, Y. Gogotsi, Covalent Incorporation of Aminated Nanodiamond into an Epoxy Polymer Network, ACS Nano, 5 (9) 7494–7502 (2011)
156. R. Lin, S. Fantini, P.L. Taberna, C. R. Peréz, V. Presser, F. Malbosc, N.L. Rupesinghe, K.B.K. Teo, Y. Gogotsi, P. Simon, Capacitive Energy Storage from -50°C to 100°C Using an Ionic Liquid Electrolyte, J. Phys. Chem. Letters, 2, 2396–2401 (2011)
157. M. Kurtoglu, T. Longenbach, K. Sohlberg, Y. Gogotsi, Strong coupling of Cr and N in Cr-N-doped TiO2 and its effect on photocatalytic activity, J. Phys. Chem. C, 115 (35) 17392-17399 (2011)
158. S. M. Chathoth, E. Mamontov, A. I. Kolesnikov, Y. Gogotsi, D. J. Wesolowski, Quasielastic neutron scattering study of water confined in carbon nanopores, Europhysics Letters, 11 (5) 56001 (2011)
159. V. Presser, J. McDonough, S.-H. Yeon, Y. Gogotsi, Effect of Pore Size on Carbon Dioxide Sorption by Carbide Derived Carbon, Energy & Environmental Science, 4 (8), 3059 - 3066 (2011)
160. C. Vakifahmetoglu, V. Presser, S.-H. Yeon, P. Colombo, Y. Gogotsi, Enhanced hydrogen and methane gas storage of silicon oxycarbide derived carbon, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 144, 105–112 (2011)
161. A.V. Korobeinyk, R.L.D. Whitby, J. J. Niu, Y. Gogotsi, S.V. Mikhalovsky, Rapid assembly of carbon nanotube-based magnetic composites, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 128 (3) 514-518 (2011)
162. P.F. Fulvio, R. Mayes, X. Wang, S. M. Mahurin, V. Presser, J. McDonough, Y. Gogotsi, S. Dai, “Brick and mortar” self-assembly approach to graphitic mesoporous carbon nanocomposites, Advanced Functional Materials, 21 (12) 2208–2215 (2011)
163. M. Kurtoglu, T. Longenbach, Y. Gogotsi, Preventing Sodium Poisoning of Photocatalytic TiO2 Films on Glass by Metal Doping, International Journal of Applied Glass Science 2 (2) 108–116 (2011)
164. M. E. Kurtoglu, T. Longenbach, Y. Gogotsi, Synthesis of quasi-oriented (-MoO3 nanobelts and nanoplatelets on TiO2 coated glass, J. Mater. Chem., 21 (22), 7931 - 7936 (2010)
165. V. Presser, L. Zhang, J. J. Niu, J. McDonough, H. Fong, Y. Gogotsi, Flexible Nano-Felts of Carbide-Derived Carbon with Ultra-High Power Handling Capability, Advanced Energy Materials, 1, 423–430 (2011) (Cover article)
166. M. E. Kurtoglu, T. Longenbach, P. Reddington, Y. Gogotsi, Effect of calcination temperature and environment on photocatalytic and mechanical properties of ultra-thin sol-gel TiO2 films, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 94 (4) 1101–1108 (2011)
167. J. J. Niu, M. G. Schrlau, G. Friedman, Y. Gogotsi, Carbon Nanotube-Tipped Endoscope for In Situ Intracellular Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Small, 7 (4) 540–545 (2011)
168. I. Neitzel, V. Mochalin, I. Knoke, G. R. Palmese, Y. Gogotsi, Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Composites with High Contents of Nanodiamond, Composites Science and Technology, 71 (5) 710–716 (2011)
169. V. Presser, M. Heon, Y. Gogotsi, Carbide-Derived Carbons - From Porous Networks to Nanotubes and Graphene, Advanced Functional Materials, 21 (5) 810-833 (2011) (Feature and Cover article)
170. M. Heon, S. Lofland, J. Applegate, R. Nolte, E. Cortes, J. D. Hettinger, P.-L. Taberna, P. Simon, P. Huang, M. Brunet, Y. Gogotsi, Continuous Carbide-Derived Carbon Films with High Volumetric Capacitance, Energy & Environmental Science 4, 135-138 (2011)
171. R. Singhal, Z. Orynbayeva, R.V.K. Sundaram, J.J. Niu, S. Bhattacharyya, E.A. Vitol, M.G. Schrlau, E.S. Papazoglou, G. Friedman, Y. Gogotsi, Multifunctional carbon-nanotube cellular endoscopes, Nature Nanotechnology, 6 (1) pp. 57-64 (2011)
172. Q. Zhang, V.N. Mochalin, I. Neitzel, I. Knoke, J. Han, C.A. Klug, J.G. Zhou, P. I. Lelkes, Y. Gogotsi, Fluorescent PLLA-nanodiamond composites for bone tissue engineering, Biomaterials, 32 (1) 87-94 (2011)
173. B. Daffos, P.-L. Taberna, Y. Gogotsi, P. Simon, Recent advances in understanding the capacitive storage in microporous carbons, Fuel Cells, 10 (5) 819-824 (2010)
174. A. Pentecost, S. Gour, V. Mochalin, I. Knoke, Y. Gogotsi, De-aggregation of Nanodiamond Powders Using Salt- and Sugar-Assisted Milling, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2 (11), 3289–3294 (2010)
175. B. Slepetz, I. Laszlo, Y. Gogotsi, D. Hyde-Volpe, M. Kertesz, Characterization of large vacancy clusters in diamond by a generational algorithm and tight binding density functional theory, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12 (42) 14017 - 14022 (2010)
176. D. Pech, M. Brunet, H. Durou, P. Huang, V. Mochalin, Y. Gogotsi, P.-L. Taberna, P. Simon, Ultrahigh power electrochemical micro-capacitors based on onion-like carbon, Nature Nanotechnology 5, 651–654 (2010)
177. V. Pelletier, S. Bhattacharyya, I. Knoke, F. Forohar, M. Bichay, Y. Gogotsi, Copper Azide Confined Inside Carbon Nanotubes, Advanced Functional Materials, 20 (18) 3168–3174 (2010)
178. J. Segalini, B. Daffos, P.L. Taberna, Y. Gogotsi, P. Simon, Qualitative Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Study of Ion Transport into Sub-nanometer Carbon Pores in Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitor Electrodes, Electrochimica Acta, 55 (25) 7489-7494 (2010)
179. I. Laszlo, M. Kertesz, B. Slepetz, Y. Gogotsi, Simulations of Large Multi-atom Vacancies in Diamond, Diamond and Related Materials, 19 (10) 1153 - 1162 (2010)
180. B.-Y. Lee, K. Behler, M.E. Kurtoglu, M. A. Wynosky-Dolfi, R. Rest, Y. Gogotsi, Titanium dioxide-coated nanofibers for advanced filters, J. Nanoparticle Research, 12 (7), 2511–2519 (2010)
181. E. Vitol, E. Brailoiu, Z. Orynbayeva, N. Dun, G. Friedman, Y. Gogotsi, Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy as a tool for measuring Ca2+ mobilizing second messengers in cellular extracts, Analytical Chemistry, 82 (16) 6770–677 (2010)
182. J. Huang, B. G. Sumpter, V. Meunier, G. Yushin, C. Portet, Y. Gogotsi, Curvature Effects in Carbon Nano-materials: Exohedral versus Endohedral Supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Research, 25 (8) 1525-1531 (2010)
183. P. Simon, Y. Gogotsi, Charge Storage Mechanism in Nanoporous Carbons and Its Consequence for Electrical Double Layer Capacitors, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 368, 3457–3467 (2010)
184. J. Chmiola, C. Largeot, P.-L. Taberna, P. Simon, Y. Gogotsi, Monolithic Carbide-Derived Carbon Films for Micro-Supercapacitors, Science, 328, 480-483 (2010)
185. S. Yachamaneni, G. Yushin, S.-H. Yeon, Y. Gogotsi, C. Howell, S. Sandeman, G. Phillips, S. Mikhalovsky, Mesoporous Carbide-Derived Carbon for Cytokine Removal from Blood Plasma, Biomaterials, 31, 4789-4794 (2010)
186. S.-H. Yeon, I. Knoke, Y. Gogotsi, J. E. Fischer, Enhanced volumetric hydrogen and methane storage capacity of monolithic carbide-derived carbon, Microporous & Mesoporous Materials, 31, 423–428 (2010)
187. J. C. Palmer, A. Llobet, S.-H. Yeon, J. E. Fischer, Y. Shi, Y. Gogotsi, K. E. Gubbins, Modeling the Structural Evolution of Carbide Derived Carbons Using Quenched Molecular Dynamics, Carbon, 48, 1116-1123 (2010)
188. C. Portet, D. Kazachkin, S. Osswald, Y. Gogotsi, E. Borguet, Effect of Synthesis Conditions on Surface Chemistry and Structure of Carbide-Derived Carbons, Thermochimica Acta, 497 (1/2) 137–142 (2010)
189. R. Singhal, S. Bhattacharyya, Z. Orynbayeva, E. Vitol, G. Friedman, Y. Gogotsi, Small Diameter Carbon Nanopipettes, Nanotechnology, 21, 015304 (2010)
190. S.-H. Yeon, P. Reddington, Y. Gogotsi, J. E. Fischer, C. Vakifahmetoglu, P. Colombo, Carbide-Derived-Carbons with Hierarchical Porosity from a Preceramic Polymer, Carbon 48, 201-210 (2010)
191. E.A Vitol, Z. Orynbayeva, M. Bouchard, J. Azizkhan-Clifford, G. Friedman, Y. Gogotsi, SERS-enabled nanopipette for intracellular spectroscopy, ACS Nano, 3 (11) 3529–3536 (2009)
192. E. A. Vitol, M. G. Schrlau, S. Bhattacharyya, P. Ducheyne, H. H. Bau, G. Friedman, Y. Gogotsi, Effects of deposition conditions on structure and chemical properties of carbon nanopipettes, Chemical Vapor Deposition 15 (7) 204-208 (2009)
193. N. Dementev, S. Osswald, Y. Gogotsi, E. Borguet, Purification of Carbon Nanotubes by Dynamic Oxidation in Air, J. Materials Chemistry 19, 7904–7908 (2009)
194. S. Bhattacharyya, D. Staack, E. A. Vitol, R. M. Singhal, A. Fridman, G. Friedman, Y. Gogotsi, Localized Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles Using Nanoscale Corona Discharge in Aqueous Solutions, Advanced Materials 21, 4039–4044 (2009)
195. K. Lian, S. Park, Y. Gogotsi, Pseudocapacitive Behavior of Carbon Nanoparticles Modified by Phosphomolybdic Acid, J. Electrochem. Soc. 156 (11) A921-A926 (2009). October 12, 2009 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
196. M. Mu, S. Osswald, Y. Gogotsi, K. I. Winey, In situ Raman spectroscopy study of stress transfer between carbon nanotubes and polymer, Nanotechnology 20 (33) 335703 (2009)
197. R. Lin, P. Huang, J. Ségalini, C. Largeot, P.L. Taberna, J. Chmiola, Y. Gogotsi, P. Simon, Solvent effect on the ion adsorption from ionic liquid electrolyte into subnanometer carbon pores, Electrochimica Acta 54, 7025–7032 (2009)
198. S. Osswald, V. Mochalin, M. Havel, G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, Phonon confinement effects in the Raman spectrum of nanodiamond, Phys. Rev. B 80, 075419 (2009); August 31, 2009 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
199. Y. Gogotsi, C. Portet, S. Osswald, J. M. Simmons, T. Yildirim, G. Laudisio, J. E. Fischer, Importance of Pore Size in High Pressure Hydrogen Storage by Porous Carbons, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34, 6314-6319 (2009)
200. S. Osswald, C. Portet, Y. Gogotsi, G. Laudisio, J.P. Singer, J.E. Fischer, V.V. Sokolov, J.A. Kukushkina, A.E. Kravchik, Porosity control in nanoporous carbide-derived carbon by oxidation in air and carbon dioxide, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 182 (7), 1733–1741 (2009)
201. C. Portet, M.A. Lillo-Rodenas, A. Linares-Solano, Y. Gogotsi, Capacitance of KOH Activated Carbide-Derived Carbons, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11, 4943-4945 (2009)
202. S. Pathak, Z. G. Cambaz, S. R. Kalidindi, J.G. Swadener, Y. Gogotsi, Viscoelasticity and High Buckling Stress of Dense Carbon Nanotube Brushes, Carbon 47, 1969 –1976 (2009)
203. V. Mochalin, A. Sagar, S. Gour, Y. Gogotsi, Manufacturing Nanosized Fenofibrate by Salt Assisted Milling, Pharmaceutical Research 26 (6) 1365-1370 (2009)
204. S.-H. Yeon, S. Osswald, Y. Gogotsi, J. P. Singer, J. M. Simmons, J. E. Fischer, M.A. Lillo-Rodenas, A. Linares-Solano, Enhanced Methane Storage of Chemically and Physically Activated Carbide-Derived Carbon, J. Power Sources, 191 (2) 560–567 (2009)
205. V. Mochalin, Y. Gogotsi, Wet Chemistry Route to Hydrophobic Blue Fluorescent Nanodiamond, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131 (13), 4594–4595 (2009)
206. M. P. Rossi, Y. Gogotsi, K. G. Kornev, Deformation of Carbon Nanotubes by Exposure to Water Vapor, Langmuir, 25 (5), 2804-2810 (2009)
207. H. S. Kim, J. P. Singer, Y. Gogotsi, J. E. Fischer, Molybdenum carbide-derived carbon for hydrogen storage, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 120 (3), 267–271 (2009)
208. K.D. Behler, A. Stravato, V. Mochalin, G. Yushin, G. Korneva, Y. Gogotsi, Nanodiamond-Polymer Composite Fibers and Coatings, ACS Nano 3 (2), 363-369 (2009)
209. M. Seredych, C. Portet, Y. Gogotsi, T. J. Bandosz, Nitrogen Modified Carbide Derived Carbons as Adsorbents of Hydrogen Sulfide, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 330 (1) 60-66 (2009)
210. V. Mochalin, S. Osswald, Y. Gogotsi, Contribution of Functional Groups to the Raman Spectrum of Nanodiamond Powders, Chemistry of Materials 21 (2) 273–279 (2009)
211. G. Yushin, C. Portet, Z. Yang, Y. Korenblit, Y. Gogotsi, R. Mokaya, Electrical Double Layer Capacitance of Zeolite-Templated Carbon in Organic Electrolyte, Journal of the Electrochemical Soc. 156 (1) A1-A6 (2009)
212. R. Lin, P.L. Taberna, J. Chmiola, D. Guay, Y. Gogotsi, P. Simon, Microelectrode study of pore size, ion size and solvent effects on the charge/discharge behavior of microporous carbons for electrical double layer capacitors, Journal of the Electrochemical Soc. 156 (1) A7-A12 (2009)
213. P. Simon, Y. Gogotsi, Materials for Electrochemical Capacitors, Nature Materials 7(11) 845-854 (2008). Reprinted in two collections of articles from Nature journals (Nanoscience and Technology, 2009 and Materials for Sustainable Energy, 2011) by World Scientific Publishers.
214. J. P. Singer, A. Mayergoyz, C. Portet, E. Schneider, Y. Gogotsi, J. E. Fischer, Enhanced Volumetric Hydrogen Storage Capacity of Porous Carbon Powders by Forming Peels or Pellets, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 116 (1-3), 469–472 (2008)
215. E. N. Hoffman, G. Yushin, B. G. Wendler, M. W. Barsoum, Y. Gogotsi, Carbide Derived Carbon Membrane, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 112, 587-591 (2008)
216. S. Osswald, K. Behler, Y. Gogotsi, Laser-Induced Light Emission from Carbon Nanoparticles, J. Applied Physics, 104, 074308 (2008); October 13, 2008 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
217. D. Staack, A. Fridman, A. Gutsol, Y. Gogotsi, G. Friedman, Nanoscale Corona Discharge Probes for Optical Emission Spectroscopy in Liquids, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., 47, 8020 –8024 (2008)
218. M. Havel, K. Behler, G. Korneva, Y. Gogotsi, Transparent thin films of multiwalled carbon nanotubes self-assembled on polyamide 11 nanofibers, Advanced Functional Materials, 18, 2322–2327 (2008) (Cover article)
219. C. Portet, J. Chmiola, Y. Gogotsi, S. Park, K. Lian, Electrochemical Characterizations of Carbon Nanomaterials by the Cavity Microelectrode Technique, Electrochimica Acta 53, 7675-7680 (2008)
220. S. Osswald, M. Havel, V. Mochalin, G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, Increase of Nanodiamond Crystal Size by Selective Oxidation, Diamond and Related Materials, 17, 1122–1126 (2008)
221. D. Mattia, Y. Gogotsi, Review: Static and Dynamic Behavior of Liquids inside Carbon Nanotubes, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 5, 289–305 (2008) (invited review)
222. A.L. Yarin, C.M. Megaridis, D. Mattia, Y. Gogotsi, Smoothing of nanoscale roughness based on the Kelvin effect, Nanotechnology 19, 365702 (2008)
223. M. G. Schrlau, E. Brailoiu, S. Patel, Y. Gogotsi, N. Dun, H.H. Bau, Utilizing Carbon Nanopipettes to Characterize Calcium Pathways in Cancer Cells, Nanotechnology 19, 325102 (2008)
224. C. Portet, G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, Effect of carbon particle size on electrochemical performance of supercapacitors, J. Electrochemical Society 155 (7) A531-A536 (2008)
225. K.G. Kornev, D. Halverson, G. Korneva, Y. Gogotsi, G. Friedman, Magnetostatic interactions between carbon nanotubes filled with magnetic nanoparticles, Applied Physics Letters 92, 233117 (2008)
226. J. Qu, Z. Zhao, J. Qiu, Y. Gogotsi, Self-assembly of carbon nanotube polyhedrons in microchannels, Chemical Communications (24) 2747-2749 (2008)
227. E. N. Hoffman, G. Yushin, T. El-Raghy, Y. Gogotsi, and M. W. Barsoum, Micro and Meso-Porosity of Carbon Derived from Ternary and Binary Metal Carbides, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 112, 526–532 (2008)
228. Z. G. Cambaz, G. Yushin, S. Osswald, V. Mochalin, Y. Gogotsi, Noncatalytic Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene and Graphite on SiC, Carbon 46 (6) 841-849 (2008)
229. V. Domnich, Y. Aratyn, W.M. Kriven, Y. Gogotsi, Temperature dependence of silicon hardness: Experimental evidence of phase transformations, Reviews on Advanced Materials Science 17 (1-2) 33-41 (2008)
230. J. Chmiola, C. Largeot, P.-L. Taberna, P. Simon, Y. Gogotsi, Desolvation of ions in subnanometer pores, its effect on capacitance and double-layer theory, Angewandte Chemie Int. Edition 47 (18), 3392-3395 (2008)
231. C. Largeot, C. Portet, J. Chmiola, P.L. Taberna, Y. Gogotsi, P. Simon, Relation between the Ion Size and Pore Size for an Electric Double-Layer Capacitor, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130 (9), 2730-2731 (2008)
232. H. J. Shah, A. K. Fontecchio, D. Mattia, Y. Gogotsi, Field Controlled Nematic-to-Isotropic Phase Transition in Liquid Crystal – Carbon Nanotube Composites, J. Appl. Phys. 103 (1) 064314 (2008) April 7, 2008 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.
233. A. Gurga, V. Mochalin, D. Pepe, C. Picardi, Y. Gogotsi, Nanoindentation Study of the Effect of Nanodiamond Additives on Electroless Deposition Nickel-Boride Coating, Advances in Technology of Materials and Materials Processing Journal (ATM), 10 (1) 47-52 (2008). Also published in AZojomo Journal of Materials Online, 2, October 2006, 1-9 (2006)
234. A. Sabur, M. Havel, Y. Gogotsi, SERS intensity optimization by controlling the size and shape of faceted gold nanoparticles, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 39 (1) 61-67 (2008)
235. Y. Gogotsi, R. K. Dash, G. Yushin, B. E. Carroll, S. R. Altork, S. Sassi-Gaha, R. F. Rest, Bactericidal Activity of Chlorine-Loaded Carbide-Derived Carbon against Escherichia coli and Bacillus anthracis, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, 84A (3) 607-613 (2008)
236. G. N. Yushin, Z. G. Cambaz, Y. Gogotsi, K. Vyshnyakova, L.N. Pereselentseva, Carbothermal Synthesis of α-SiC Micro-Ribbons, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 91 (1), 83-87 (2008)
237. C. Portet, G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, Electrochemical performance of carbon onions, nanodiamonds, carbon black and multiwalled nanotubes in electrical double layer capacitors, Carbon 45, 2511–2518 (2007)
238. S. Osswald, A. Gurga, F. Kellogg, K. Cho, G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, Plasma Pressure Compaction of Nanodiamond, Diamond and Related Materials 16, 1967–1973 (2007)
239. K. Behler, M. Havel, Y. Gogotsi, New solvent for polyamides and its application to the electrospinning of polyamides 11 and 12, Polymer 48, 6617-6621 (2007)
240. J. M. Razal, J. Coleman, E. Muñoz, B. Lund, Y. Gogotsi, H. Ye, S. Collins, A. B. Dalton, R. H. Baughman, Gels, Fibers and Shaped Assemblies from Spinning Carbon Nanotubes, Advanced Functional Materials, 17 (15), 2918-2924 (2007)
241. S. Osswald, M. Havel, Y. Gogotsi, Monitoring Oxidation of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes by Raman Spectroscopy, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 38 (6), 728-736 (2007)
242. J. Chmiola, Y. Gogotsi, Supercapacitors as Advanced Energy Storage Devices, Nanotechnology Law and Business, 4(1), 577-584 (2007) (invited)
243. J.A. Jaszczak, S. Dimovski, S.A. Hackney, G.W. Robinson, P. Bosio, Y. Gogotsi, Micro- and Nano-scale Graphite Cones and Tubes from Hackman Valley, Kola Peninsula, Russia, The Canadian Mineralogist, 45, 379-389 (2007)
244. D. Mattia, G. Korneva, A. Sabur, G. Friedman, Y. Gogotsi, Embedding Nanoparticles in the Walls of Carbon Nanotubes, Nanotechnology, 18, 155305 (2007)
245. J. R. Freedman, D. Mattia, G. Korneva, Y. Gogotsi, G. Friedman, A. K. Fontecchio, Magnetically Assembled Carbon Nanotube Tipped Pipettes, Applied Physics Letters 90, 103108 (2007)
246. S. Sinha, P. Rossi, D. Mattia, Y. Gogotsi, H. H. Bau, Induction and Measurement of Minute Flow Rates Through Nanopipes, Physics of Fluids, 19, 013603 (2007) Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, February 5, 2007
247. A. Gurga, T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, S. N. Dub, N. V. Stus, D. A. Stratiichuk, V.V. Lisnyak, The mechanical properties of lithium tetraborate (100), (011) and (112) faces. Materials Letters, 61(3), 770-773 (2007).
248. K. Vyshnyakova, G. Yushin, L. Pereselentseva, Y. Gogotsi, Formation of porous SiC ceramics by pyrolysis of wood impregnated with silica, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 3 (6) 485-490 (2006)
249. H.J. Shah, A.K. Fontecchio, M.P. Rossi, D. Mattia, Y. Gogotsi, Imaging of Liquid Crystals Confined in Carbon Nanopipes, Applied Physics Letters 89, 043123 (2006)
250. K. Behler, H. Ye, S. Osswald, S. Dimovski, Y. Gogotsi, Effect of Thermal Treatment on the Structure of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes, J. Nanoparticle Research 8 (5) 615-625 (2006)
251. T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, T.E. Buchheit, C.S. Watson, S.V. Kalinin, J. Shin, A.P. Baddorf, Detection of Indentation Induced Ferroelectric to Antiferroelectric Phase Transformation in Lead Zirconate Titanate, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 89 (11) 3557–3559 (2006)
252. G. Yushin, R. Dash, J. Jagiello, J. Fischer, and Y. Gogotsi, Enhanced hydrogen uptake by carbide-derived carbons with optimized pore structure, Advanced Functional Materials, 16 (17) 2288-2293 (2006)
253. G. Laudisio, R. K. Dash, J. P. Singer, G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, J. E. Fischer, Carbide-Derived Carbons: A Comparative Study of Porosity Based on Small-Angle Scattering and Adsorption Isotherms, Langmuir 22, 8945-8950 (2006)
254. J. Chmiola, G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, C. Portet, P. Simon, and P. L. Taberna, Anomalous Increase in Carbon Capacitance at Pore Sizes Less Than 1 Nanometer, Science, 313, 1760-1763 (2006)
255. S. Welz, M.J. McNallan, Y. Gogotsi, Carbon Structures in Silicon Carbide Derived Carbon, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 179 (1-3), 11-22 (2006)
256. R. Dash, J. Chmiola, G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, G. Laudisio, J. Singer, J.E. Fischer, S. Kucheyev, Titanium Carbide Derived Nanoporous Carbon for Energy-Related Applications, Carbon 44, 2489–2497 (2006)
257. G. Yushin, E.N. Hoffman, M.W. Barsoum, Y. Gogotsi, C.A. Howell, S.R. Sandeman, G.J. Phillips, A.W. Lloyd, S.V. Mikhalovsky, Mesoporous carbide-derived carbon with porosity tuned for efficient adsorption of cytokines, Biomaterials 27, 5755–5762 (2006)
258. S. Osswald, G. Yushin, V. Mochalin, S. Kucheyev, Y. Gogotsi, Control of sp2/sp3 carbon ratio and surface chemistry of nanodiamond powders by selective oxidation in air, J. American Chemical Society 128, 11635-11642 (2006)
259. J. Chmiola, R. Dash, G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, Effect of Pore Size and Surface Area of Carbide Derived Carbons on Specific Capacitance, J. Power Sources 158, 765-772 (2006)
260. D. Mattia, M.P. Rossi, B.M. Kim, G. Korneva, H.H. Bau, Y. Gogotsi, Effect of Graphitization on the Wettability and Electrical Conductivity of CVD Carbon Nanotubes and Films, J. Physical Chemistry B 110 (20), 9850-9855 (2006)
261. S. Osswald, E. Flahaut, Y. Gogotsi, In Situ Raman spectroscopy study of oxidation of double- and single-wall carbon nanotubes, Chem. Mater. 18 (6), 1525-1533 (2006)
262. A. Erdemir, A. Kovalchenko, C. White, R. Zhu, A. Lee, M. J. McNallan, B. Carroll, Y. Gogotsi, Synthesis and Tribology of Carbide-Derived Carbon Films, Int. J. Applied Ceramic Technology, 3 (3), 236-244 (2006)
263. D. Mattia, H.H. Bau, Y. Gogotsi, Wetting of CVD Carbon Films by Polar and Non-Polar Liquids and Implications for Carbon Nanopipes, Langmuir 22 (4), 1789-1794 (2006)
264. J. Ayutsede, M. Gandhi, S. Sukigara, H. Ye, J. Hsu, Y. Gogotsi, F. Ko, Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Bombyx Mori Silk Nanofibers by the Electrospinning Process, Biomacromolecules 7 (1), 208-214 (2006)
265. Z.G. Cambaz, G.N. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, V.G. Lutsenko, Anisotropic Etching of SiC Whiskers, Nano Letters 6 (3), 548 -551 (2006) (Cover article)
266. Z.G. Cambaz, G.N. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, K.L. Vyshnyakova, L.N. Pereselentseva, Formation of Carbide Derived Carbon on Beta-Silicon Carbide Whiskers, J. American Ceramic Society, 89 (2) 509-514 (2006)
267. N. Yakoby, C.A. Bristow, I. Gouzman, M.P. Rossi, Y. Gogotsi, T. Schupbach, S.Y. Shvartsman, Systems-Level Questions in Drosophila Oogenesis, IEEE Proc. Systems Biology 152(4), 276-284 (2005)
268. Y. Gogotsi, R. K. Dash, G. Yushin, T. Yildirim, G. Laudisio, J. E. Fischer, Tailoring of Nanoscale Porosity in Carbide-Derived Carbons for Hydrogen Storage, J. American Chemical Society, 127 (46), 16006-16007 (2005)
269. S. Evoy, M. Riegelman, N. Naguib, H. Ye, P. Jaroenapibal, D.E. Luzzi, and Y. Gogotsi, Dielectrophoretic Assembly of Carbon Nanofiber Nanoelectromechanical Devices, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 4 (5) 570-575 (2005)
270. M. McNallan, D. Ersoy, R. Zhu, A. Lee, C. White, S. Welz, Y. Gogotsi, A. Erdemir, A. Kovalchenko, Nano-structured Carbide Derived Carbon (CDC) Films and Their Tribology, Tsinghua Science and Technology, 10 (6) 277-281 (2005)
271. G.N. Yushin, S. Osswald, V.I. Padalko, G.P. Bogatyreva, Y. Gogotsi, Effect of sintering on structure of nanodiamond, Diamond and Related Materials, 14 (10) 1721-1729 (2005)
272. R. K. Dash, G. Yushin and Y. Gogotsi, Synthesis, Structure and Porosity Analysis of Microporous and Mesoporous Carbon Derived from Zirconium Carbide, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 86, 50-57 (2005)
273. S. Babu, P. Ndungu, J.-C. Bradley, M.P. Rossi, Y. Gogotsi, Guiding water into carbon nanopipes with the aid of bipolar electrochemistry, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 1, 284-288 (2005)
274. A. L. Yarin, A. G. Yazicioglu, C. M. Megaridis, M. P. Rossi, Y. Gogotsi, Theoretical and experimental investigation of aqueous liquids contained in carbon nanotubes, Journal of Applied Physics, 97, 124309 (2005). Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, July 4, 2005
275. G. Yushin, E. Hoffman, A. Nikitin, H. Ye, M.W. Barsoum, Y. Gogotsi, Synthesis of nanoporous carbide-derived carbon by chlorination of titanium silicon carbide, Carbon, 43 (10), 2075-2082 (2005)
276. H. Ye, N. Titchenal, Y. Gogotsi, F. Ko, SiC Nanowires Synthesized from Electrospun Nanofiber Templates, Advanced Materials, 17, 1535-1539 (2005)
277. J. Chmiola, G. Yushin, R.K. Dash, E.N. Hoffman, J.E. Fischer, M.W. Barsoum, Y. Gogotsi, Double-layer Capacitance of Carbide Derived Carbons in Sulfuric Acid, Electrochemical and Solid State Letters, 8 (7) A357-A360 (2005)
278. G. Korneva, H. Ye, Y. Gogotsi, D. Halverson, G. Friedman, J.-C. Bradley, K. G. Kornev, Carbon nanotubes loaded with magnetic particles, Nano Letters, 5 (5) 879-884 (2005)
279. E.N. Hoffman, G. Yushin, M.W. Barsoum, Y. Gogotsi, Synthesis of Carbide-Derived Carbon by Chlorination of TiAl2C, Chem. Mater. 17, 2317-2322 (2005)
280. D. Mattia, M. Desmaison-Brut, S. Dimovski, Y. Gogotsi, J. Desmaison, Oxidation Behavior of an Aluminum Nitride-Hafnium Diboride Ceramic Composite, J. Europ. Ceram. Soc., 25, 1789-1796 (2005)
281. A. G. Yazicioglu, C. M. Megaridis, A. Nicholls, Y. Gogotsi, Electron Microscope Visualization of Multiphase Fluids Contained in Closed Carbon Nanotubes, Journal of Visualization, 8 (2) 137-144 (2005)
282. N. N. Naguib, Y. M. Mueller, P. M. Bojczuk, M. P. Rossi, P. D. Katsikis, Y. Gogotsi, Effect of Carbon Nanofiber Structure on Binding of Antibodies, Nanotechnology 16, 567-571 (2005)
283. S. Osswald, E. Flahaut, H. Ye, Y. Gogotsi, Elimination of D-Band in Raman spectra of double-wall carbon nanotubes by oxidation, Chem. Phys. Lett., 402 (4-6), 422-427 (2005)
284. K.L. Vyshnyakova, L.N. Pereselentseva, Z.G. Cambaz, G.N. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, Whiskerisation of polycrystalline SiC fibres during synthesis, British Ceramic Transactions, 103 (5) 193-196 (2004)
285. H. Ye, N. Naguib, Y. Gogotsi, TEM Study of Water in Carbon Nanotubes, JEOL News, 39 (2) 38-43 (2004)
286. N. Naguib, H. Ye, Y. Gogotsi, A.G. Yazicioglu, C.M. Megaridis, M. Yoshimura, Observation of water confined in nanometer channels of closed carbon nanotubes, Nano Letters, 4 (11) 2237-2243 (2004)
287. V. Kayastha, Y. K. Yap, S. Dimovski, Y. Gogotsi, Controlling Dissociative Adsorption for Effective Growth of Carbon Nanotubes, Applied Physics Letters, 85 (15) 3265-3267 (2004)
288. A. Erdemir, A. Kovalchenko, M.J. McNallan, S. Welz, and A. Lee, B. Carroll, Y. Gogotsi, Effects of High-Temperature Hydrogenation Treatment on Sliding Friction and Wear Behavior of Carbide-Derived Carbon Films, Surface and Coatings Technology, 188-189, 588-593 (2004)
289. A.G. Yazicioglu, C.M. Megaridis and Y. Gogotsi, "Evaporative Transport of Aqueous Liquid in a Closed Carbon Nanotube: A Nano Heat Pipe?" ASME J. Heat Transfer 126, 506 (2004)
290. P. Puech, F. Demangeot, J. Frandon, C. Pinquier, V. Domnich, Y. Gogotsi, GaN Nanoindentation: A micro-Raman spectroscopy study of local strain field, Journal of Applied. Physics, 96 (5), 2853-2856 (2004)
291. T. Juliano, V. Domnich, Y. Gogotsi, Examining Pressure-Induced Phase Transformations in Silicon by Spherical Indentation and Raman Spectroscopy: A Statistical Study, J. Mater. Res. 19 (10) 3099-3108 (2004)
292. P.H. Tan, S. Dimovski, Y. Gogotsi, Raman scattering of non-planar graphite: arched edges, polyhedral crystals, whiskers and cones, Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. Lond. A, 362, 2289-2310 (2004)
293. H. Ye, H. Lam, N. Titchenal, Y. Gogotsi, F. Ko, Reinforcement and Rupture Behavior of Carbon Nanotubes - Polymer Nanofibers, Applied Physics Letters, 85 (10), 1775-1777 (2004)
294. B. Carroll, Y. Gogotsi, A. Kovalchenko, A. Erdemir, M.J. McNallan, Tribological Characterization of Carbide-Derived Carbon Layers on Silicon Carbide for Dry Friction Applications, Key Engineering Materials, vol. 264/268, 465-468 (2004)
295. D. Ge, V. Domnich, T. Juliano, E. Stach, Y. Gogotsi, Structural Damage in Boron Carbide under Contact Loading, Acta Materialia, 52 (13) 3921-3927 (2004)
296. S. Evoy, N. DiLello, V. Deshpande, A. Narayanan, H. Liu, M. Riegelman, B. R. Martin, B. Hailer, J.-C. Bradley, W. Weiss, T. S. Mayer, Y. Gogotsi, H. H. Bau, T. E. Mallouk, and S. Raman, Dielectrophoretic Assembly and Integration of Nanowire Devices with Functional CMOS Operating Circuitry, Microelectronic Engineering, 75, 31-42 (2004)
297. R.K. Dash, A. Nikitin, Y. Gogotsi, Microporous Carbon Derived from Boron Carbide, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 72, 203-208 (2004)
298. M.P. Rossi, Y. Gogotsi, ESEM Study of Nanotube-Liquid Interactions, Microscopy and Analysis (The Americas Edition), 18 (4) 9-11 (2004)
299. M.W. Barsoum, A. Murugaiah, S.R. Kalidindi, T. Zhen, Y. Gogotsi, Kink bands, nonlinear elasticity and nanoindentations in graphite, Carbon, 42, 1435-1445 (2004)
300. M.P. Rossi, H. Ye, Y. Gogotsi, S. Babu, P. Ndungu, J.-C. Bradley, Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy Study of Water in Carbon Nanopipes, Nano Letters, 4(5) 989-993 (2004)
301. D. Ge, V. Domnich, Y. Gogotsi, Thermal Stability of Metastable Silicon Phases Produced by Nanoindentation, J. Appl. Phys. 95 (5) 2725-2731 (2004)
302. P. Puech, F. Demangeot, P.S. Pizani, V. Domnich, Y. Gogotsi, Is there a link between very high strain and metastable phases in semiconductors: cases of Si and GaAs? J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 16, S39-S47 (2004)
303. S. Dimovski, A. Nikitin, H. Ye, Y. Gogotsi, Synthesis of Graphite by Chlorination of Iron Carbide at Moderate Temperatures, J. Mater. Chem. 14, 238-243 (2004)
304. L. Chen, H. Ye, Y. Gogotsi, Synthesis of Boron Nitride Coating on Carbon Nanotubes, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 87 (1) 147-151 (2004)
305. L. Chen, Y. Gogotsi, Carbothermal Synthesis of Al-O-N Coatings Increasing Strength of SiC Fibers, Int. J. Applied Ceramic Technology, 1 (1) 68-75 (2004)
306. H. Ye, N. Naguib, Y. Gogotsi. A.G. Yazicioglu, C.M. Megaridis, Wall Structure and Surface Chemistry of Hydrothermal Carbon Nanofibers, Nanotechnology, 15, 232-236 (2004)
307. G. Behlau, D. Koch, G. Grathwohl, L. Chen, Y. Gogotsi, S. Welz, M.J. McNallan, Mechanical Properties of Carbon and BN Coated SiC Fibers, Ceram. Eng. & Sci. Proc., 24 (4) 225-230 (2003)
308. L. Chen, G. Behlau, Y. Gogotsi, M.J. McNallan, Carbide Derived Carbon (CDC) Coatings for Tyranno ZMI SiC Fibers, Ceram. Eng. & Sci. Proc., 24 (3) 57-62 (2003)
309. Y. Gogotsi, A. Nikitin, H. Ye, W. Zhou, J.E. Fischer, B. Yi, H. C. Foley, M. W. Barsoum, Nanoporous carbide-derived carbon with tuneable pore size, Nature Materials, 2 (9) 591–594 (2003)
310. J.A. Jaszczak, G.W. Robinson, S. Dimovski, Y. Gogotsi, Naturally Occurring Graphite Cones, Carbon 41, 2085-2092 (2003) (Cover article)
311. F. Ko, Y. Gogotsi, A. Ali, N. Naguib, H. Ye, G. Yang, C. Li, P. Willis, Electrospinning of Continuous Carbon Nanotube-Filled Nanofiber Yarns, Advanced Materials 15 (14), 1161-1165 (2003)
312. B.A. Galanov, V. Domnich, Y. Gogotsi, Elastic-Plastic Contact Mechanics of Indentations Accounting for Phase Transformations, Experimental Mechanics 43 (4), 303-308 (2003)
313. J. Chmiola, Y. Gogotsi, A. Ferdman, Mechanically Stable Insoluble Titanium-Lead Anodes for Sulfate Electrolytes, Science of Sintering, 35, 75-83 (2003).
314. B. Carroll, Y. Gogotsi, A. Kovalchenko, A. Erdemir, M.J. McNallan, Effect of Humidity on the Tribological Properties of Carbide-Derived Carbon (CDC) Films on Silicon Carbide, Tribology Letters, 15 (1) 51-55 (2003)
315. T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, V. Domnich, The Effect of Indentation Unloading Conditions on the Phase Transformation Induced Events in Silicon, Journal of Materials Research, 18 (5) 1192-1201 (2003)
316. S. Welz, Y. Gogotsi, M.J. McNallan, Nucleation, growth and graphitization of diamond nanocrystals during chlorination of carbides, Journal of Applied Physics, 93 (7), 4207-4214 (2003)
317. D. Ge, V. Domnich, Y. Gogotsi, High-resolution transmission electron microscopy study of metastable silicon phases produced by nanoindentation, Journal of Applied Physics, 93 (5) 2418-2423 (2003)
318. V. Domnich, Y. Gogotsi, M. Trenary, T. Tanaka, Nanoindentation and Raman spectroscopy study of boron carbide single crystals, Applied Physics Letters, 81 (20), 3783-3785 (2002)
319. Y. Gogotsi, N. Naguib, J.A. Libera, In situ Chemical Experiments in Carbon Nanotubes, Chemical Physics Letters, 365, 354-360 (2002)
320. A. Kovalchenko, Y. Gogotsi, V. Domnich, A. Erdemir, Phase Transformations in Silicon Under Dry and Lubricated Sliding, Tribology Transactions, 45 (3) 372-380 (2002)
321. Y. Gogotsi, S. Dimovski, J.A. Libera, Conical Crystals of Graphite, Carbon, 40 (12) 2263-2267 (2002)
322. B.A. Galanov, S.B. Galanov, Y. Gogotsi, Stress-strain state of multiwall carbon nanotube under internal pressure, J. Nanoparticle Research, 4, 207-214 (2002)
323. S.V. Rotkin, Y. Gogotsi, Analysis of non-planar graphitic structures: from arched edge planes of graphite crystals to nanotubes, Mater. Res. Innov. 5, 191-200 (2002)
324. N. Orlovskaya, Y. Gogotsi, M. Reece, B. Cheng, I. Gibson, Ferroelasticity and Hysteresis in LaCoO3 Based Perovskites, Acta Materialia, 50 (4), 715-723 (2002)
325. V. Domnich, Y. Gogotsi, Phase transformations in silicon under contact loading, Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci. 3, 1-36 (2002)
326. F. Demangeot , P. Puech, V. Domnich, Y. G. Gogotsi, S. Pinel, P. S. Pizani, R. G. Jasinevicius, Raman Mapping Devoted to the Phase Transformation and Strain Analysis in Si Micro-Indentation, Mechanics of Materials, 4 (8), 543-546 (2002)
327. C. M. Megaridis, A. G. Yazicioglu, J. A. Libera, Y. Gogotsi, Attoliter Fluid Experiments in Individual Closed-end Carbon Nanotubes: Liquid Film and Fluid Interface Dynamics, Physics of Fluids 14 (2), L5-L8 (2002)
328. W.L. Suchanek, J.A. Libera, Y. Gogotsi, M. Yoshimura, Behavior of C60 under Hydrothermal Conditions: Transformation to Amorphous Carbon and Formation of Carbon Nanotubes, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 160, 184-188 (2001)
329. F. Demangeot, P. Puech, V. Paillard, V. Domnich, Y. G. Gogotsi, Spatial distribution of strain and phases in Si nanoindentation analysed by Raman mapping, Solid State Phenomena, 82-84, 777 (2001)
330. D.A. Ersoy, M.J. McNallan, Y. Gogotsi, Platinum Reactions with Carbon Coatings Produced by High Temperature Chlorination of Silicon Carbide, J. Electrochem. Soc., 148 (12), C774-C779 (2001)
331. D.A. Ersoy, M.J. McNallan, Y. Gogotsi, Carbon coatings produced by high temperature chlorination of silicon carbide ceramics, Mater. Res. Innovations, 5 (2), 55-62 (2001)
332. Y. Gogotsi, J. A. Libera, A. Güvenç-Yazicioglu, C. M. Megaridis, In-situ multi-phase fluid experiments in hydrothermal carbon nanotubes, Appl. Phys. Lett., 79 (7), 1021-1023 (2001)
333. B. Basavalingu, J.M. Calderon-Moreno, K. Byrappa, Y.G. Gogotsi, M. Yoshimura, Decomposition of silicon carbide in the presence of organic compounds under hydrothermal conditions, Carbon, 39, 1763-1767 (2001)
334. Y. Gogotsi, S. Welz, D.A. Ersoy, M.J. McNallan, Conversion of Silicon Carbide to Crystalline Diamond-Structured Carbon at Ambient Pressure, Nature, 411, 283-287 (2001)
335. J.A. Libera, Y. Gogotsi, Hydrothermal Synthesis of Graphite Tubes Using Ni Catalyst, Carbon, 39 (9) 1307-1318 (2001)
336. B.A. Galanov, S.M. Ivanov, E.V. Kartuzov, V.V. Kartuzov, K.G. Nickel, Y.G. Gogotsi, Model of Oxide Scale Growth on Si3N4 Ceramics: Nitrogen Diffusion Through Oxide Scale and Pore Formation, Computational Mater. Sci. 21 (1), 79-85 (2001)
337. Y. Gogotsi, G. Zhou, S.-S. Ku, S. Cetinkunt, Raman Microspectroscopy Analysis of Pressure-Induced Metallization in Scratching of Silicon, Semicond. Sci. Technol., 16 (5) 345-352 (2001)
338. Y. Gogotsi, J.A. Libera, M. Yoshimura, Hydrothermal synthesis of multiwall carbon nanotubes, Journal of Materials Research, 15 (12) 2591-2594 (2000).
339. Y. Gogotsi, J.A. Libera, N. Kalashnikov, and M. Yoshimura, Graphite Polyhedral Crystals, Science, 290, 317-320 (2000)
340. D. A. Ersoy, M. J. McNallan, Y. Gogotsi, A. Erdemir, Tribological Properties of Carbon Coatings Produced by High Temperature Chlorination of Silicon Carbide, STLE Tribology Transactions, 43, 809-815 (2000)
341. V. Domnich, Y. Gogotsi, S. Dub, Effect of phase transformations on the shape of the unloading curve in the nanoindentation of silicon, Appl. Phys. Lett., 76, 2214-2216 (2000)
342. Y.G. Gogotsi, V. Domnich, S.N. Dub, A. Kailer, K.G. Nickel, Cyclic nanoindentation and Raman microspectroscopy study of phase transformations in semiconductors, J. Mater. Res., 15 (3), 871-879 (2000).
343. Y.G. Gogotsi, M.A. Gardner, Raman Microscopy of Semiconductors, Microscopy and Analysis, The Americas Edition, March, 11-13 (2000)
344. O.N. Grigor’ev, G.A. Gogotsi, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.I. Subbotin, N.P. Brodnikovskii, Synthesis and properties of ceramics in the SiC-B4C-MeB2 system, Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, 39 (5-6), 239-250 (2000). [Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, 5/6, pp. 29-40]
345. J.A. Libera, Y.G. Gogotsi, Hydrothermal synthesis of novel carbon filaments, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 82 (11) 2942 (1999)
346. Y. Gogotsi, T. Miletich, M. Gardner, M. Rosenberg, Microindentation device for in situ study of pressure-induced phase transformations, Rev. Sci. Instr. 70 (12) 4612-4617 (1999)
347. Y. Gogotsi, A. Kailer, K.G. Nickel, Transformation of Diamond to Graphite, Nature, 401, 663-664 (1999)
348. A. Kailer, K.G. Nickel, Y.G. Gogotsi, Raman microspectroscopy study of nanocrystalline and amorphous phases in hardness indentations, J. Raman Spectroscopy 30 (10) 939-946 (1999)
349. W.L. Suchanek, M. Yoshimura, Y.G. Gogotsi, Stability of Fullerenes under Hydrothermal Conditions, J. Mater. Res. 14 (2) 323-326 (1999)
350. Y. Gogotsi, C. Baek, F Kirscht, Processing-induced phase transformations and residual stress in silicon, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 14 (10) 928-935 (1999)
351. G. Brill, D.J. Smith, D. Chandrasekhar, Y. Gogotsi, A. Prociuk, S. Sivananthan, Surfactant-Mediated Growth of Ge/Si(001) Studied by Raman Spectroscopy and TEM, J. Crystal Growth, 201/202, 538-541 (1999)
352. O.N. Grigoriev, V.I. Subbotin, V.V. Kovalchuk, Y.G. Gogotsi, Structure and Properties of SiC-TiB2 Ceramics, J. Mater. Proc. Manufact. Sci. 7, 99-110 (1998)
353. Y.G. Gogotsi, A. Kailer, K.G. Nickel, Pressure-Induced Phase Transformations in Diamond, J. Appl. Phys., 84 (3) 1299-1304 (1998)
354. Y.G. Gogotsi, K.G. Nickel, Formation of Filamentous Carbon from Paraformaldehyde under High Temperatures and Pressures, Carbon, 36 (7) 937-942 (1998)
355. Y. Gogotsi, T. Kraft, K.G. Nickel, M.E. Zvanut, Hydrothermal Behavior of Diamond, Diam. Relat. Mater.,f 7 1459-1465 (1998)
356. Y. Gogotsi, S. Welz, J. Daghfal, M.J. McNallan, I.D. Jeon, K.G. Nickel, T. Kraft, Formation of Carbon Coatings on SiC Fibers by Selective Etching in Halogens and Supercritical Water, Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc., 19 (3) 87-94 (1998)
357. T. Kraft, K.G. Nickel, Y.G. Gogotsi, Hydrothermal Degradation of CVD SiC Fibers, J. Mater. Sci., 33 4357-4364 (1998)
358. Y.G. Gogotsi, A. Kailer, K.G. Nickel, Phase Transformations in Materials Studied by Micro-Raman Spectroscopy of Indentations, Mater. Res. Innovat. 1 (1) 3-9 (1997)
359. A. Kailer, Y.G. Gogotsi, K.G. Nickel, Phase Transformations of Silicon Caused by Contact Loading, J. Appl. Phys. 81 (7) 3057-3063 (1997)
360. Y.G. Gogotsi, K.G. Nickel, Hydrothermal Synthesis of Diamond, Challenges and Opportunities, Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc. 18 (4) 747-754 (1997)
361. Y.G. Gogotsi, J.-D. Jeon, M.J. McNallan, Carbon Coatings on Silicon Carbide by Reaction with Chlorine-Containing Gases, J. Mater. Chem. 7 (9) 1841-1848 (1997)
362. Y.G. Gogotsi, J. Desmaison, R.A. Andrievski, D.J. Baxter, M. Desmaison, R. Fordham, G.V. Kalinnikov, V.A. Lavrenko, A.D. Panasyuk, F. Porz, G. Richter, S. Schneider, AlN-Based Ceramics – an Alternative to Si3N4 and SiC in High-Temperature Applications? in Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 132-136, 1600-1603 (1997)
363. Y.G. Gogotsi, K.G. Nickel, D. Bahloul-Hourlier, T. Merle-Mejean, G.E. Khomenko, K.P. Skjerlie, Structure of Carbon Produced by Hydrothermal Treatment of β-SiC Powder, J. Mater. Chem. 6 (4) 595-604 (1996)
364. Y.G. Gogotsi, P. Kofstad, K.G. Nickel, M. Yoshimura, Formation of sp³-Bonded Carbon upon Hydrothermal Treatment of SiC, Diamond and Relat. Mater. 5 (2) 151-162 (1996)
365. N.S. Jacobson, Y.G. Gogotsi, M. Yoshimura, Thermodynamic and Experimental Study of Carbon Formation on Carbides under Hydrothermal Conditions, J. Mater. Chem. 5 (4) 595-601 (1995)
366. Y.G. Gogotsi, M. Yoshimura, Low-Temperature Oxidation, Hydrothermal Corrosion, and their Effects on Properties of SiC (Tyranno) Fibers, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 78 (6) 1439-1450 (1995)
367. Y.G. Gogotsi, M. Yoshimura, Degradation of SiC (Tyranno) Fibres in High-temperature High-pressure Water, J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 14, 755-759 (1995)
368. M. Backhaus-Ricoult, Y.G. Gogotsi, Identification of Oxidation Mechanisms in Silicon Nitride Ceramics by Transmission Electron Microscopy of Oxide Scales, J. Mater. Res. 10 (9) 2306- 2321 (1995)
369. Y.G. Gogotsi, K.G. Nickel, P. Kofstad, Hydrothermal Synthesis of Diamond from Diamond-seeded β-SiC Powder, J. Mater. Chem. 5 (12) 2313-2314 (1995)
370. Y.G. Gogotsi, M. Yoshimura, Formation of Carbon Films on Carbides under Hydrothermal Conditions, Nature 367, 628-630 (1994)
371. Y.G. Gogotsi, M. Yoshimura, Oxidation and Properties Degradation of SiC Fibres Below 850°C, J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 13, 680-683 (1994)
372. C. Taut, M. Herrmann, G. Große, P. Thiele, Y. Gogotsi, Improvement of Oxidation Resistance of Dense Silicon Nitride by Surface Modification, J. Europ. Ceram. Soc. 13, 239-246 (1994)
373. Y.G. Gogotsi, Particulate Silicon Nitride Based Composites (Review), J. Mater. Sci. 29, 2541-2556 (1994)
374. Y.G. Gogotsi, M. Yoshimura, Water Effects on Corrosion Behavior of Structural Ceramics (Invited Review), MRS Bulletin XIX (10) 39-45 (1994)
375. Y.G. Gogotsi, F. Porz, G. Dransfield, Oxidation Behavior of Monolithic TiN and TiN Dispersed in Ceramic Matrices, Oxidation of Metals 39, 69-91 (1993)
376. Y.G. Gogotsi, G. Grathwohl, F. Thümmler, V.P. Yaroshenko, M. Herrmann, Ch. Taut, Oxidation of Yttria- and Alumina-Containing Dense Silicon Nitride Ceramics, J. Europ. Ceram. Soc. 11, 375-386 (1993)
377. Y.G. Gogotsi, G. Grathwohl, Stress-Enhanced Oxidation of Silicon Nitride Ceramics, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 76, 3093-3104 (1993)
378. Y.G. Gogotsi, G. Grathwohl, Creep of Silicon Nitride-Titanium Nitride Composites, J. Mater. Sci. 28, 4279-4287 (1993)
379. Y.G. Gogotsi, N.A. Orlovskaya, V.A. Goncharuk, Mechanical Properties of Materials in the Al2O3-ZrO2-TiN System, Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya No. 6, 84-86 (1993)
380. Y.G. Gogotsi, F. Porz, Oxidation of Particulate-Reinforced Si3N4-TiN Composites, Corrosion Science 33, 627-640 (1992)
381. Y.G. Gogotsi, V.P. Yaroshenko, F. Porz, Oxidation Resistance of Boron Carbide-Based Ceramics, J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 11, 308-310 (1992)
382. Y.G. Gogotsi, A.M. Koval'chenko, I.A. Kossko, Tribochemical Interactions of Boron Carbides against Steel, Wear 154, 133-140 (1992)
383. V.A. Lavrenko, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.P. Zheludenko, M. Herrmann, C. Taut, Interactions in the Si3N4-Nd2O3-SiO2 System at Heating in Different Media, Inorganic Materials 28, 125-130 (1992)
384. Y.G. Gogotsi, F. Porz, V.P. Yaroshenko, Mechanical Properties and Oxidation Behavior of Al2O3-AlN-TiN Composites, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 75, 2251-2259 (1992)
385. A.M. Koval'chenko, I.I. Osipova, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.P. Yaroshenko, G.N. Savranskaya, Effect of the Sliding Speed on Dry Wear of a Ceramic-Steel Contact, Trenie i Iznos 13, 654-663 (1992)
386. A.M. Koval'chenko, I.I. Osipova, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.P. Yaroshenko, V.A. Goncharuk, Wear Resistance of Si3N4-TiN Ceramics at Sliding against Diamond Abrasive, Sverkhtverdye Materialy No. 3, 20-25 (1992)
387. Y.G. Gogotsi, D.Y. Ostrovoi, O.D. Shcherbina, Effect of Oxygen on Strength of Reaction-Bonded Silicon Nitride, Refractories 32, 233-235 (1991)
388. V.I. Trefilov, Y.G. Gogotsi, O.N. Grigor'ev, V.P. Yaroshenko, V.A. Goncharuk, D.Y. Ostrovoj, Effect of Oxidation on Strength of Hot-Pressed Silicon Nitride Ceramics at High Temperatures, Sov. Powd. Met. Metal Cer. 30, 158-162 (1991)
389. Y.G. Gogotsi, Structural Ceramics in the USSR, A Review, Advanced Ceramics and Glass No. 3, 6-12 (1991)
390. Y.G. Gogotsi, O.N. Grigor'ev, N.A. Orlovskaya, O.A. Babii, G.E. Khomenko, G.S. Krivoshey, Influence of Batch Preparation Method on the Structure and Properties of Ceramics in the Al2O3-ZrO2-Y2O3 System, Refractories 32, 271-276 (1991)
391. Y.G. Gogotsi, L.V. Lavriv, O.D. Shcherbina, Characteristics of the Kinetics of Oxidation of a Reaction-Sintered Silicon Nitride Ceramic, Inorganic Mater. 27, 2100-2102 (1991)
392. G.A. Gogotsi, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.P. Zavada, V.V. Traskovsky, The Effect of Air and Sodium Salts on the Strength of Silicon Nitride-Based Ceramics, Mater. High Temp. 9, 209-216 (1991)
393. M.G. Andreeva, O.A. Babii, Y.G. Gogotsi, O.N. Grigor'ev, V.P. Yaroshenko, Structure and Properties of Hot-Pressed Materials Based on Silicon Nitride, Sov. Powd. Met. Metal Cer. 30, 840-844 (1991)
394. Y.G. Gogotsi, O.N. Grigorjew, W.P. Yaroschenko, Mechanische Eigenschaften von heißgepreßtem Siliziumnitrid bei hohen Temperaturen, Silikattechnik 41, 156-160 (1990)
395. Y.G. Gogotsi, V.P. Zavada, N.N. Zudin, V.V. Ivzhenko, V.V. Traskovsky, Effect of Enviroment on Strength of Hot-Pressed Silicon Nitride-Based Ceramics, Sverkhtv. Mat. No 3, 25-29 (1990)
396. Y.G. Gogotsi, A.M. Koval'chenko, I.A. Kossko, V.P. Yaroshenko, Interaction of Ceramics Based on Nonmetallic Refractory Compounds with Steel during Friction, Trenie i Iznos 11, 661-667 (1990)
397. V.A. Lavrenko, Y.G. Gogotsi, K. Taut, V.P. Yaroshenko, Reactions in the Si3N4-Nd2O3-SiO2 System on Heating in Air, Inorg. Mat. 26, 461-465 (1990)
398. Y.G. Gogotsi, V.V. Kovylyaev, Behavior of Hot-Pressed Boron Carbide at High Temperatures. I. Oxidation Resistance, Sov. Powd. Met. Metal Cer. 28, 306-309 (1989)
399. G.A. Gogotsi, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.V. Kovylyaev, D.Y. Ostrovoi, V.Ya. Ivas'kevich, Behavior of Hot-Pressed Boron Carbide at High Temperatures. II. Strength, Sov. Powd. Met. Metal Cer. 28, 487-490 (1989)
400. Y.G. Gogotsi, V.V. Koval'chuk, V.V. Zametailo, R.G. Timchenko, I.A. Kossko, A.M. Koval'chenko, Interaction of Ceramics and Steel During Friction, Trenie i Iznos 10, 295-301 (1989)
401. G.A. Gogotsi, Y.G. Gogotsi, D.Y. Ostrovoi, O.V. Ivashchenko, Influence of Oxidation on Fracture of Self-Bonded Silicon Carbide, Refractories 30, 84-90 (1989)
402. G.S. Pisarenko, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.P. Zavada, V.V. Traskovsky, On the Strength Degradation of Silicon Nitride-Based Ceramics in Air at Temperatures 700-800°C, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 304, 1184-1187 (1989)
403. Y.G. Gogotsi, Kinetics and Mechanisms of Oxidation of Silicon Nitride Ceramics, Poverkhnost No 6, 143-149 (1989)
404. Y.G. Gogotsi, V.A. Lavrenko, T.G. Protsenko, A.I. Stegnii, V.L. Tikush, High Temperature Oxidation of Sialon-TiN Ceramics, Sverkhtverdye Materialy No. 3, 22-26 (1989)
405. G.A. Gogotsi, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.P. Zavada, V.V. Traskovsky, Corrosion-Mechanical Fracture of Silicon Nitride Ceramics under Salt Attack, Strength of Mater. 21, No.7, 918-922 (1989)
406. Y.G. Gogotsi, O.N. Grigor'ev, N.A. Orlovskaya, D.Y. Ostrovoi, V.P. Yaroshenko, Strengthened Ceramics Based on Al2O3, Refractories 30 667-670 (1989)
407. G.A. Gogotsi, Y.G. Gogotsi, D.Y. Ostrovoi, Deformation and Destruction of Self-Bonded Silicon Carbide under Different Loading Rates, Refractories 30, 626-629 (1989)
408. G.A. Gogotsi, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.P. Zavada, V.V. Traskovsky, Stress Corrosion of Silicon Nitride Based Ceramics, Cer. Int. 15, 305-310 (1989)
409. Y.G. Gogotsi, V.K. Kazakov, V.A. Lavrenko, T.G. Protsenko, V.V. Shvaiko, Oxidation of Sintered Ceramics Based on Silicon Nitride with Addition of Titanium Carbonitride and Zirconium Nitride, Sov. J. Superhard. Mat. 10, No. 1, 33-39 (1988)
410. V.A. Lavrenko, Y.G. Gogotsi, Influence of Oxidation on the Composition and Structure of the Surface Layer of Hot-Pressed Boron Carbide, Oxid. Met. 29, 193-202 (1988)
411. Y.G. Gogotsi, V.A. Lavrenko, The Effect of Carbide and Nitride Additives on the Oxidation Resistance of Silicon Nitride Ceramics, High Temp. Technol. 6, 79-87 (1988)
412. Y.G. Gogotsi, O.N. Grigor'ev, V.L. Tikush, Structural State and Mechanical Properties of the Material in the Sialon-Titanium Nitride System after Radiant Heating, Sov. Powd. Met. Metal Cer. 27, 386-391 (1988)
413. G.A. Gogotsi, Y.G. Gogotsi, D.Y. Ostrovoj, Mechanical Behaviour of Hot-Pressed Boron Carbide in Various Atmospheres, J. Mat. Sci. Lett. 7, 814-816 (1988)
414. Y.G. Gogotsi, V.P. Zavada, V.V. Traskovsky, Corrosion-Mechanical Fracture of Silicon Nitride Ceramics in Air, Fiz.-Khim. Mekhanika Mat. 24, No 6, 17-21 (1988)
415. Y.G. Gogotsi, I.I. Osipova, I.I. Chugunova, V.Zh. Shemet, Oxidation Resistance and Strefgth of Hot-Pressed Ceramics Based on Silicon Nitride// Sov. Powd. Met. Metal Cer.26, 163-166 (1987)
416. V.A. Lavrenko, E.A. Pugach, S.I. Filipchenko, Y.G. Gogotsi, High Temperature Oxidation of Silicon Carbide Based Materials, Oxid. Met.27, 83-94 (1987)
417. G.A. Gogotsi, S.A. Firstov, A.D. Vasil'ev, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.V. Kovylyaev, Mechanical Properties and Special Features f the Structure of Materials Based on Boron Carbide, Sov. Powd. Met. Metal Cer. 26, 589-594 (1987)
418. Y.G. Gogotsi, Kinetics of High Temperature Oxidation of Silicon Carbide, Izv. VUZov. Khimiya i Khim. Tekhnologiya 30, No. 7, 54-57 (1987)
419. Y.G. Gogotsi, D.A. Kotlyar, V.S. Kresanov, V.V. Morozov, High-Temperature Oxidation of Sintered Lanthanum Hexaboride, Sov. Powd. Met. Metal Cer. 26, 914-917 (1987)
420. V.A. Lavrenko, Y.G. Gogotsi, Chemical Stability of Silicon Nitride and Silicon Carbide-Based Materials, Vestnik KPI. Khimicheskoye Mashinostroeniye i Tekhnologiya 24, 22-24 (1987)
421. Y.G. Gogotsi, V.N. Mikhatskaya, A.M. Pivak, Chemical Resistance of Ceramics Based on Silicon Nitride, Silicon Carbide and Boron Carbide, Vestnik KPI. Khimicheskoye Mashinostroeniye i Tekhnologiya 24, 26-30 (1987)
422. Y.G. Gogotsi, Influence of the Medium on the Failure of Structural Ceramics, Soviet Materials Science 23 (4), 413-421 (1987)
423. Y.G. Gogotsi, V.A. Lavrenko, The High Temperature Corrosion of Structural Ceramic Materials Based on Silicon Nitride, Russian Chemical Reviews 56, 1015-1027 (1987)
424. Y.G. Gogotsi, V.P. Zavada, V.V. Traskovsky, Some Features of the Strength Properties of Silicon Nitride Ceramics at High Temperatures, Strength of Mater. No.11, 1555-1559 (1987)
425. Y.G. Gogotsi, V.V. Shvaiko, V.A. Lavrenko, N.N. Zudin, V.V. Kovylyaev, I.N. Frantsevich, Corrosion of Silicon Nitride-Based Ceramics in a Flow of Fuel Combustion Products, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 286, 901-903 (1986)
426. G.A. Gogotsi, Ya.L. Groushevski, O.B. Dashevskaya, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.A. Lavrenko, Complex Investigation of Hot-Pressed Boron Carbide, J. Less.-Com. Met. 117, 225-230 (1986)
427. Y.G. Gogotsi, A.G. Gogotsi, O.D. Shcherbina, Effect of Oxidation on the Strength of Silicon Nitride-Based Reaction Sintered Ceramics, Sov. Powd. Met. Metal Cer. 25, (1986) [English transl., Poroshk. Met. No. 5, 40-44 (1986)]
428. V.A. Lavrenko, A.A. Chernovolenko, S.I. Sopenko, V.K. Zubov, A.F. Alexeev, Y.G. Gogotsi, A.B. Goncharuk, V.V. Shvaiko, Effect of Oxidation on the Strength and Thermal Stability of a Material Based on Silicon Nitride, Strength of Mater. No.8, 1070-1074 (1986)
429. G.A. Gogotsi, Y.G. Gogotsi, A.V. Drozdov, O.D. Shcherbina, The Effect of Oxidation in the Presence of Salts on the Strength of Silicon Nitride-Based Ceramics, Sov. Powd. Met. Metal Cer. 25, 746-750 (1986)
430. G.A. Gogotsi, V.P. Zavada, Y.G. Gogotsi, Strength Degradation of Si3N4-SiC-Based Ceramics in Salt Environments, Cer. Int. 12, 203-208 (1986)
431. Y. G. Gogotsi, A.V. Dudnikov, Oxidation Resistance of Corundum-Graphite Materials used for Teeming Steels, Refractories 27, 684-689 (1986)
432. Y.G. Gogotsi, S.I. Sopenko, G.V. Trunov, Effect of Oxidation on the Strength of Silicon Nitride Ceramics, Strength of Mater. No.1, 82-87 (1985)
433. V.A. Lavrenko, Y.G. Gogotsi, A.B. Goncharuk, A.F. Alexeev, O.N. Grigor'ev, O.D. Shcherbina, High Temperature Oxidation of Reaction-Sintered Silicon Nitride with Various Additions, Sov. Powd. Met. Metal Cer. 24, 207-210 (1985)
434. V.A. Lavrenko, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.Zh. Shemet, High Temperature Oxidation of Silicon Nitride Powder under Nonisothermal Conditions, Inorg. Mater. 21, 209-212 (1985)
435. Y.G. Gogotsi, V.A. Lavrenko, Interrelation between the Oxidation Resistance and High Temperature Strength of Silicon Carbide-Based Materials, Ogneupory No 5, 25-28 (1985)
436. V.A. Lavrenko, Y. G. Gogotsi, O.D. Shcherbina, Kinetics and Mechanisms of Oxidation of Sialons, Sov. Powd. Met. Metal Cer. 24, 710-713 (1985)
437. A.V. Dunikov, G.D. Semchenko, Y.G. Gogotsi, Corundum-Graphite Materials for Steel Casting, Refractories 25, 71-74 (1984)
438. V.A. Lavrenko, Y.G. Gogotsi, I.N. Frantsevich, High-Temperature Oxidation of Hot-Pressed Boron Carbide, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 275, 114-117 (1984)
439. V.A. Lavrenko, E.A. Pugach, A.B. Goncharuk, Y.G. Gogotsi, G.V. Trunov, High-Temperature Oxidation of Silicon Nitride-Based Structural Ceramics, Sov. Powd. Met. Metal Cer. 23, 859-863 (1984)
440. Y.G. Gogotsi, V.A. Lavrenko, I.N. Frantsevich, High Temperature Corrosion of Silicon Nitride-Based Material under Salt Attack, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 279, 411-414 (1984)
441. G.A. Gogotsi, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.P. Zavada, S.I. Sopenko, Action of Salts on the Strength and Crack Resistance of Silicon Nitride Ceramics, Strength of Mater. No.11, 1515-1519 (1984)
442. G.D. Semchenko, A.V. Dunikov, Ya.G. Belik, Y.G. Gogotsi, P.A. Naidenov, A.K. Poletaev, V.Ya. Timofeev, Technology of Corundum-Graphite Refractories with a Combined Binder, Refractories 25, 647-650 (1984)
443. V.A. Lavrenko, E.A. Pugach, S.I. Filipchenko, Y.G. Gogotsi, High Temperature Oxidation of Silicon Carbide, Sov. J. Superhard. Mat. 6, No. 3, 26-30 (1984)
Conference Papers and Other Publications
444. K. Jost, C. Perez, J. McDonough, V. Presser, G. Dion, Y. Gogotsi, Fabrics capable of capacitive energy storage, Proceedings - International Symposium on Wearable Computers, ISWC , art. no. 5959581, pp.117-118
445. B.-Y. Lee, M. Wynosky-Dolfi, R. Rest, M. Kurtoglu, Y. Gogotsi, Chapter 1. Solvothermal synthesis of photocatalytic TiO2 nanoparticles able of killing Escherichia coli, in Biodefense, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology, S. Mikhalovsky, A. Khajibaev, eds., Springer, pp. 3-10 (2011)
446. G. Cambaz, G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, Noncatalytic Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes on SiC in Vistas in Nanofabrication, F. Rahman (editor) Pan Stanford, Singapore pp. 231-232 (2012)
447. Q. Zhang, V. Mochalin, I. Neitzel, I. Knoke, Y. Gogotsi, J. Zhou, P. I. Lelkes, Nanodiamond Reinforced Smart Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering, Anchorage, Alaska (2010)
448. Q. Zhang, V. Mochalin, I. Neitzel, Y. Gogotsi, P.I. Lelkes, J. Zhou, The study on PLLA-nanodiamond composites for surgical fixation devices, ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Vancouver, Canada, Nov. 12-18, 2010, IMECE2010-38287 (2010)
449. Q. Zhang, I. Neitzel, V. N. Mochalin, I. Knoke, D. M. Wotton, Y. Gogotsi, P. I. Lelkes, J. G. Zhou, PLLA-Nanodiamond Composites and Their Application in Bone Tissue Engineering, Proceedings of ASME 2010 First Global Congress on NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology, Proc. NEMB 2010, February 7-10, 2010 Houston, TX pp. 241-242
450. V. Kartuzov, Y. Gogotsi, A. Kryklia, Computer Simulation of Hydrogen Capacity of Nanoporous Carbon, Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, 30 (6) 241-250 (2010)
451. T. Obikawa, M.T. Postek, D. Dornfeld, R. Liu, R. Komanduri, Y. Guo, J. Shi, J. Cao, Y. Gogotsi, V. Mochalin, J. Zhou, X. Yang, and X. Li, MSEC 2009 State-of-Art Paper: Micro/Nano-Technology Applications for Manufacturing Systems and Processes, Proceedings of the 2009 ASMA International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference MSEC2009, October 4-7, 2009, West Lafayette, IN, USA, MSEC2009-84330, v. 2, pp. 295-317
452. J. Warren, Y. Gogotsi, B.E. Layton, Mechanical Characterization of Carbon Based Injection Pipettes, Proceedings of ASME 2010 First Global Congress on NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology, NEMB 2010, February 7-10, 2010 Houston, TX
453. M. E Kurtoglu, Y. Gogotsi, Photocatalytic and Mechanical Properties of TiO2 Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Method, in Glass Performance Days 2009, pp. 633-636 (2009)
454. J.C. Palmer, S.K. Jain, K.E. Gubbins, N. Cohaut, J.E. Fischer, R.K. Dash and Y. Gogotsi, Hybrid Reverse Monte Carlo Simulations of Nano-Porous Carbons, in Characterization of Porous Solids VIII, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Characterization of Porous Solids, Eds. S. Kaskel, P. Llewellyn, F. Rodriguez-Reinoso and N.A. Seaton, pp. 56-63, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, Special Publication No. 318 (2009).
455. K. Behler, M. Havel, D. Mattia and Y. Gogotsi, Self-assembled multi-walled carbon nanotubes coatings, 1057, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Warrendale, PA, 1057-II20-26 (2008)
456. V. Mochalin, S. Osswald, C. Portet, G. Yushin, C. Hobson, M. Havel, Y. Gogotsi, High Temperature Functionalization and Surface Modification of Nanodiamond Powders, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1039, Warrendale, PA, 1039-P11-03 (2008)
457. B. Legum, R. Cooper, D. Mattia, Y. Gogotsi, B. E. Layton, The effect of deformation on room temperature coulomb blockade using conductive carbon nanotubes, 29th Annual International Conference of IEEE-EMBS, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC'07 , Article number 4353264, Pages 4206-4210 (2007)
458. P. Simon, P.L. Taberna, J. Chmiola, C. Portet, G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, Nanostructured Interfaces in Carbon Supercapacitor Electrodes, in Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Advanced Capacitors (ICAC2007), May 28-30, Kyoto, Japan, pp. (2007)
459. D. Mattia, M. P. Rossi, H. Ye, Y. Gogotsi, In situ Fluid Studies in Carbon Nanotubes with Diameters Ranging from 1 to 500 nm, Proceedings of the 5th IASME / WSEAS International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics, Athens, Greece, August 25-27, pp. 294-296 (2007)
460. I. Laszlo, M. Kertesz, Y. Gogotsi, Simulations of Multi-atom Vacancies in Diamond, In "Multiscale Modeling of Materials", Ed. by R. Devanathan, M. J. Caturla, A. Kubota, A. Chartier, S. Phillpot, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 978E, Warrendale, PA, GG13-15 (2007)
461. M. P. Rossi, Y. Gogotsi, Carbon Nanopipe-based Nanofluidic Devices for Cell Injection, Proceedings of SHPE Technical Conference (2006)
462. S. Dimovski, A. Nikitin, H. Ye, Y. Gogotsi, Low temperature synthesis of graphite from iron carbide, in New Carbon Based Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems, I. Barsukov et al. (eds.) (Springer, The Netherlands, 2006) pp. 399-410
463. G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, Carbide derived carbon, Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem. 51 (1), 262-263 (2006)
464. G. Korneva, D. Mattia, Y. Gogotsi, J.-C. Bradley, Filling carbon nanopipes with functionalized nanoparticles, Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem. 51 (1), 36-37 (2006)
465. V. Mochalin, K. Behler, G. Yushin, J. Detweiler, Y. Gogotsi, Characterization and surface modification of ultradisperse diamonds, Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem. 51 (1), 38 (2006)
466. D. Mattia, Y. Gogotsi, Surface functionalization to control the wetting behavior of nanostructured carbons, Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem. 51 (1), 3-4 (2006)
467. J. Chmiola, C. Portet, P. L. Taberna, P. Simon, G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, Structure porosity and electrochemical behavior of carbide derived carbon for supercapacitor applications, Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem. 51 (1), 187-188 (2006)
468. E. Hoffman, G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, and M. Barsoum, The effect of carbide chemistry and stoichiometry on carbide derived carbon porosity, Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem. 51 (1), 39-40 (2006)
469. R. Patel, B. Legum, Y. Gogotsi, B.E. Layton, Parameterization of a Piezoelectric Nanomanipulation Device, in Proceedings of ESDA2006 8th Biennial ASME Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, July 4-7, 2006, Torino, Italy, Paper ESDA2006-95147.
470. V. Shevchenko, Y. Gogotsi, E. Kartuzov, Vibrational Spectrum of a Diamond-like Film on SiC Substrate, in K.G. Ewsuk, Y. Gogotsi (Eds.), Characterization, Design, and Processing of Nanosize Powders and Nanostructured Materials. Ceramic Transactions, Volume 190 (American Ceramic Society, 2006) pp.233-235.
471. V.L. Bekenev, V.V. Kartuzov, Y. Gogotsi, Single-Crystal SiС Nanotubes: Molecular-Dynamic Modeling of Structure and Thermal Behavior, in K.G. Ewsuk, Y. Gogotsi (Eds.), Characterization, Design, and Processing of Nanosize Powders and Nanostructured Materials. Ceramic Transactions, Volume 190 (American Ceramic Society, 2006) pp.227-232.
472. K. D. Behler, H. Ye, S. Dimovski, Y. Gogotsi, The Structural Effects on Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes by Thermal Annealing under Vacuum, In Carbon nanotubes, Ed. V.N. Popov, P. Lambin, NATO Science Series II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, vol. 222, Springer, 2006, pp. 45-46.
473. F.K. Ko, H. Lam, N. Titchenal, H. Ye, Y. Gogotsi, Coelectrospinning of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Nanocomposite Fibrils, in Polymeric Nanofibers, Ed. D.H. Reneker, H. Fong, American Chemical Society Symposium on Polymeric Nanofibers, Series 918, Washington, DC, 2006, pp. 231-245.
474. F. K. Ko, A. Aloufy, H. Ye, Y. Gogotsi, Electrospinning of Nanofibers of Conductive Polymers, Proc. International Symposium on Collaborative Research in Applied Science (ISOCRIAS), 7-9 Oct. 2005, Vancouver, Canada
475. I.F. Mikhailov, O.M. Grigor’ev, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.I. Subbotin, A.T. Pugachev, O.V. Sobol, Z.I. Kolupaeva, Development of Physical Foundations of Manufacturing Ceramic Composites with Increased Contact Failure Resistance, in Fundamental Directions of Science, Kiev, Akademperiodika, 2005, pp. 327-343 (in Ukrainian)
476. H. Ye, N. Naguib, Y. Gogotsi, TEM Observation of Water Confined in Carbon Nanotubes, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 10 (Suppl. 2) 366-367 (2004)
477. M.P. Rossi, Y. Gogotsi, In situ ESEM Study of Liquid Transport through Carbon Nanopipes, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 10 (Suppl. 2) 1054-1055 (2004)
478. Y.K. Yap, V. Kayastha, S. Hackney, S. Dimovski, Y. Gogotsi, Effect of Carrier Gas on the Growth Rate, Growth Density, and Structure of Carbon Nanotubes, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., v. 818, M11.31.1-M11.31.6 (2004)
479. Y.K. Yap, J. Menda , L.K. Vanga, V. Kayastha, J. Wang, L.B. King, S. Dimovski, Y. Gogotsi, Testing Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes on Ion Erosion for Advanced Space Propulsion, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., v. 821, P3.7.1-P3.7.5 (2004)
480. N. Titchenal, H. Lam, H. Ye, Y. Gogotsi, F. Ko, J. Liu, P. Willis, SWNT and MWNT Reinforced Carbon Nanocomposite Fibrils, in 36th ISTC - SanDiego, CA - November 15 - 18, SAMPE, pp 1-11. (2004)
481. A.G. Yazicioglu, C.M. Megaridis, N. Naguib, H. Ye, Y. Gogotsi, Aqueous Fluids in Carbon Nanotubes: Assisting the Understanding of Fluid Behavior at the Nanoscale, in Nanoengineered Nanofibrous Materials, S. Guceri, Y. Gogotsi, V. Kuznetsov (Eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, NL, pp. 401-408 (2004)
482. H. Ye, N. Naguib, Y. Gogotsi, Opening Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes with Electron Beam, in Nanoengineered Nanofibrous Materials, S. Guceri, Y. Gogotsi, V. Kuznetsov (Eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, NL, pp. 417-424 (2004)
483. A.G. Yazicioglu, C.M. Megaridis, Y. Gogotsi, Evaporative Transport of Aqueous Liquid in a Closed Carbon Nanotube: A Nano Heat Pipe? Trans ASME, J. Heat Transfer, v. 126, p. 506 (2004)
484. L. Chen, H. Ye, Y. Gogotsi, Nanocrystalline BN/C Coating on SiC, in Ceramic Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology II, Ceramic Transactions, Volume 148; edited by M. R. DeGuire, M. Z. Hu, Y Gogotsi, and S. W. Lu, pp. 109-119 (2004)
485. Z.G. Cambaz, G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, M.J. Bucknum, I Stamatin, A Dumitriu, Characterization of the Powders Reported to Contain Polycrystalline Glitter and Silicon Dicarbide, CPS: physchem/0402002
486. T. Juliano, V. Domnich, T. Bucheit, Y. Gogotsi, " Numerical Derivative Analysis of Load-Displacement Curves in Depth-Sensing Indentation, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 791, Q7.5.1-Q7.5.12 (2004)
487. H. Lam, N. Titchenal, N. Naguib, H. Ye, Y. Gogotsi, F. Ko, Electrospinning of Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Nanocomposite Fibrils and Yarns, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 791, Q10.5.1-Q10.5.6 (2004)
488. D.A. Gavryushenko, V.M. Sysoev, L.Yu. Matzui, O.A. Golub, Yu.I. Prylutskyy, O.V. Ogloblya, P. Scharff, Y. Gogotsi, Calculation of the density profile of liquid located in the multi-walled carbon nanotube. In Frontiers of Multifunctional Integrated Nanosystems, Ed. E. Buzaneva, P. Scharff, NATO Science Series II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, vol. 152, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, pp. 23-30.
489. B. Carroll, Y. Gogotsi , A. Kovalchenko, A. Erdemir, M.J. McNallan Tribological Characterization of Carbide-Derived Carbon (CDC) Films in Dry and Humid Environments, in Nanostructured Materials and Coatings for Biomedical and Sensor Applications, ed. Y. Gogotsi, I.V. Uvarova, Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 119-130 (2003)
490. J.C. Bradley, S. Babu, P. Ndungu, A. Nikitin, Y. Gogotsi, Nanotube Synthesis Using Alumina Template, Chemical Preprints Service, CPS – Chemistry/0303002, 6 p. (2003)
491. H. Ye, N. Naguib, Y. Gogotsi, A. Yazicioglu, C. Megaridis, Opening Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes in a Transmission Electron Microscope, Microscopy and Microanalysis 9, 348-349 (2003)
492. Y. Gogotsi, N. Naguib, H. Ye, A. G. Yazicioglu, C. M. Megaridis, Analysis of fluid in hydrothermal carbon nanotubes, Proc. Electrochemical Soc., (2002), 451-459, Philadelphia.
493. F.K. Ko, S. Khan, A. Ali, Y. Gogotsi, N. Naguib, G. Yang, C. Li, H. Shimoda, O. Zhou, M. Bronikowski, R. Smalley, P.A. Willis, Structure and Properties of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Nanocomposites, in Proceedings of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, vol. AIAA-2002-1426, pp. (2002)
494. S. Dimovski, J.A. Libera, Y. Gogotsi, A Novel Class of Carbon Nanocones, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 706, pp. Z6.27.1-6 (2002)
495. B.A. Galanov, S.B. Galanov, Y. Gogotsi, Carbon Nanotubes Under Internal Pressure, in Frontiers of Multifunctional Nanosystems, ed. By E.V. Buzaneva, P. Scharff , "NATO Science Series: II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry: Vol. 57, Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 59–74 (2002)
496. Y. Gogotsi, J. A. Libera, M. Yoshimura, Formation of Nanostructured Carbons under Hydrothermal Conditions, in Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology, ed. By E. Osawa, Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 253-264 (2002)
497. N. Orlovskaya, Y. Gogotsi, Measurements of surface residual stresses in Si3N4 based laminates by Raman spectroscopy, Key Engineering Materials, 206, 1025-1028 (2002)
498. I.N. Gonzalez, N. Orlovskaya, Y. Gogotsi, Indentation Induced Deformation in LaCoO3 Perovskite, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 85 (2) 514 (2002) Back cover page
499. J.A. Libera, Y. Gogotsi, Graphite Polyhedral Crystals (Giant Nanotubes), J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 84 (2) 260 (2001) Ceramographic competition poster
500. D. Ge, N. Orlovskaya, Y. Gogotsi, A. Nicholls, Domain Walls in LaCoO3, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 84 (8) 1913 (2001) Ceramographic competition poster
501. V. Domnich, Y. Gogotsi, Pressure-induced phase transformations in semiconductors under contact loading, in Frontiers of High-Pressure Research II: Application of High Pressure to Low Dimensional Novel Electronic Materials, edited by H.D. Hochheimer, B. Kuchta, P.K. Dorhout, J.L. Yarger. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, NL, pp. 291-302 (2001)
502. Y. Gogotsi, J. A. Libera, A. F. Koster van Groos, M. Yoshimura, Hydrothermal Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes, in Proceedings of Joint sixth international symposium on hydrothermal reactions (ISHR) & fourth international conference on solvo-thermal reactions (ICSTR) (July 25-28, 2000, Kochi, Japan) pp. 350-355 (2001)
503. N. Orlovskaya, Y. Gogotsi, A. Nicholls, Twin Structures of LaCoO3 Based Ferroic Perovskites, Elechtrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 2001-16, pp. 624-632 (2001)
504. Y. Gogotsi, V. Kamyshenko, V. Shevchenko, S. Welz, D.A. Ersoy, M.J. McNallan, Nanostructured Carbon Coatings on Silicon Carbide: Experimental and Theoretical Study, in Functional Gradient Materials and Surface Layers Prepared by Fine Particles Technology, Ed. by M.-I. Baraton and I. Uvarova, Kluwer, Dordrecht, NL, pp. 239-255 (2001)
505. V. Domnich, Y. Gogotsi, M. Trenary, Identification of Pressure-Induced Phase Transformations Using Nanoindentation, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp., Vol. 649, Q8.9.1-Q8.9.6 (2001)
506. Y. Gogotsi, J. A. Libera, A. Güvenç-Yazicioglu and C. M. Megaridis, In-situ Fluid Experiments in Carbon Nanotubes, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 633, A7.4.1-A7.4.6 (2001)
507. V.L. Bekenev, V.V. Kamyshenko, V.V. Kartuzov, Y.G. Gogotsi, Mechanical Stability of a Hexagonal Densely Packed Carbon Phase, in Mathematical Models and Computational Experiment in Materials Research, Institute for Problems of Materials Science, Kiev, Ukraine, pp. 12-26 (2001) (in Russian)
508. V.V. Kamyshenko, V.I. Shevchenko, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.V. Kartuzov, Theoretical Investigation of Growth of a Diamond-like Film on (111) SiC Surface, in Mathematical Models and Computational Experiment in Materials Research, Institute for Problems of Materials Science, Kiev, Ukraine, pp. 65-71 (2001) (in Russian)
509. Y.G. Gogotsi, A. Kailer, K.G. Nickel, Will diamond transform under pressure? J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 83 (3), 682 (2000). Back cover page
510. Zhang, B., Fan, J., Gogotsi, Y., Chudnovsky, A., and Teitsma, A.: Statistical and Thermodynamic Modeling of Stress Corrosion Cracking in Steel Gas Pipes. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Risk, Economy and Safety, Failure Minimisation and Analysis, Umhlanga Rocks, South Africa, 24-28 July 2000, Edited by R. K. Penny, EMAS Publishing,
511. Y. Gogotsi, Nanostructured Carbon Coatings, In: Nanostructured Films and Coatings, Proc. NATO ARW, Santorini, Greece, June 28-30, 1999, NATO Science Partnership Sub-Series: 3: High Technology, Vol. 78, Edited by G.-M. Chow, I.A. Ovid’ko, T. Tsakalakos, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 25-40 (2000)
512. B. Galanov, S. Ivanov, E. Kartuzov, V. Kartuzov, Y. Gogotsi, C. Schumacher, K. Nickel, Computer Modeling of Oxide Scale Growth on Si Based Ceramics, in High Temperature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry, Ed. by M. McNallan, E. Opila, T. Maruyama, T. Narita, The Electrochemical Society Proc. vol. 99-38, 378-387 (2000)
513. D. Ersoy, M. McNallan, Y. Gogotsi, Platinum Reactions with Carbon Coatings Produced by High Temperature Chlorination of Silicon Carbide, in High Temperature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry, Ed. by M. McNallan, E. Opila, T. Maruyama, T. Narita, The Electrochemical Society Proc. vol. 99-38, 456-467 (2000)
514. Y. Gogotsi, V. Domnich, Raman Microanalysis of Silicon Wafers, in Proc. of the NSF Design & Manufacturing Research Conference, January 3-6, 2000, Vancouver, Canada (CD).
515. M. McNallan, Y. Gogotsi, D. Ersoy, Reaction Formed Coatings for SiC Fibers in Ceramic Matrix Composites, Elevated Temperature Coatings: Science and Technology III, Ed. by J.M. Hampikian and N.B. Dahorte, TMS, 1999, 351-359.
516. V.S. Urbanovich, Y.G. Gogotsi, K.G. Nickel, M. Backhaus-Ricoult, V. Guerin, V.B. Shipilo, K.I. Yanushkevich, Properties of Highly Dense α-Si3N4 Ceramics Sintered at High Static Pressure, British Ceramic Proc., No. 60, v. 2., 1999, pp. 9-10.
517. O.N. Grigoriev, A.M. Kovalchenko, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.I. Subbotin, Structure and Abrasive Wear of SiC-TiB2 Ceramics, British Ceramic Proc., No. 60, v.1, 1999, pp. 243-244.
518. O.N. Grigoriev, V.I. Subbotin, A.V. Perepelkin, N.P. Brodnikovsky, G.A. Gogotsi, Y.G. Gogotsi, Structural State and Strength of Ceramics in the SiC-TiB2-MeB2 System, Electron Microscopy and Strength of Materials, Kiev, Ukraine, Institute of Materials Science, 1999, pp. 129-144.
519. M. Yoshimura, K. Sakai, Y. Nakaigawa, T. Hara, Y. Gogotsi, S. Yamamoto, M. Yashima, M. Kakihana, Y. Kanno, M. Shibuya, Dense Carbon Coating on Silicon Carbide Fibers by Hydrothermal Treatment, Proc. International Symposium on Carbon, Tokyo, 1998, pp. 552-553
520. Y.G. Gogotsi, M.S. Rosenberg, A. Kailer, K.G. Nickel. Phase Transformations in Semiconductors under Contact Loading, in Tribology Issues and Opportunities in MEMS, Ed. B. Bhushan, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1998, pp. 431-442.
521. M. McNallan, Y. Gogotsi, I.D. Jeon, Formation of Carbon Films on Ceramic Carbides by High Temperature Chlorination, in Tribology Issues and Opportunities in MEMS, Ed. B. Bhushan, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1998, pp. 559-565.
522. A. Kailer, Y.G. Gogotsi, K.G. Nickel, Use of indentation coupled with micro-Raman spectroscopy in high-pressure materials research, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1998, Vol. 499, pp. 225-230.
523. B.A. Galanov, O.N. Grigoriev, Y.G. Gogotsi, Effect of Phase Transformations on Hardness of Semiconductors, Materials Research Society Proc. Vol. 481, Phase Transformations and Systems Driven Far from Equilibrium, Ed. by E. Ma, M. Atzmon, P. Bellon, R. Trivedi, MRS, 1998, pp. 249-254.
524. D.A. Ersoy, M.J. McNallan, Y. Gogotsi, High Temperature Chlorination of SiC for Preparation of Tribological Carbon Films, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Ed. by P.Y. Hou et al., Vol. 98-9, 1998, pp. 324-333.
525. B.A. Galanov, S.M. Ivanov, E.V. Kartuzov, V.V. Kartuzov, K.G. Nickel, Y.G. Gogotsi, Model of Oxide Scale Growth on Si3N4 and SiC Ceramics: Hetergoneous Crystallization of SiO2 and Silicates in the Scale, in Proc. 9th CIMTEC (World Ceramic Congress), Ceramics: Getting into 2000’s, Florence, Italy, June 14-19, 1998, Techna, Faenza, Part A, pp. 423-432.
526. B. Zhang, Y.G. Gogotsi, A. Chudnovsky, A. Teitsma, ThermodynamicAnalysis and Experimental Investigation of SCC in Steel Gas Pipelines, Proc. 1998 International Gas Research Conference, 8-11 Nov. 1998, San Diego, CA, 607-617.
527. I.D. Jeon, M.J. McNallan, Y.G. Gogotsi, Formation of Carbon Coatings on Silicon Carbide by Reactions in Halogen Containing Media, in Fundamental Aspects of High Temperature Corrosion VI, Eds. D.A. Shores, R.A. Rapp and P. Hou, Proc. Electrochemical Society, Vol. 96-26, The Electrochemical Soc., Pennington, NJ, 1997, pp. 256-268
528. A. Kailer, Y.G. Gogotsi, K.G. Nickel, Micro-Raman Spectroscopy of Indentation-Induced Phase Transformations, in Proc. 5th European Conference on Advanced Materials, Processes and Applications (Euromat 97), The Netherlands Society of Materials Science, Vol. 4, pp. 171-174.
529. A. Kailer, Y.G. Gogotsi, K.G. Nickel, Micro-Raman Spectroscopy of Contact-Induced Phase Transfromations in Semiconductors, in Proceedings of Int. Conf. Micro Materials 97, Berlin, April 16-18, 1997, Ed. B. Michel, T. Winkler, pp. 174-176.
530. M.J. McNallan, Y.G. Gogotsi, I.D. Jeon, Preparation of Carbon Films by High Temperature Chlorination of Metal Carbides, in High Temperature Materials Chemistry, Ed. K.E. Spear, Proc. Electrochemical Society, Vol. 97-39, The Electrochemical Soc., Pennington, NJ, 1997, pp. 529-536.
531. Y.G. Gogotsi, Formation of Carbon Coatings on Carbide Fibers and Particles by Disproportionation Reactions, Proc. NATO ARW: Advanced Multilayered and Fiber-Reinforced Composites, NATO ASI Series, Vol. 43, Ed. by Y.M. Haddad, Kluwer, Dordrecht (1997) pp. 217-230.
532. K.G. Nickel, Y.G. Gogotsi, Approaches to Standardisation, High Temperature Oxidation and Hydrothermal Corrosion of Silica Forming Ceramics (Inviter Lecture), in Corrosion of Advanced Ceramics, Ed. by R.J. Fordham, D.J. Baxter, T. Graziani. - Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 113, Trans Tech Publ., 1996, pp. 15-30
533. M. Backhaus-Ricoult, Y.G. Gogotsi, Identification of Oxidation Mechanisms in Silicon Nitride Ceramics by TEM, Ed. by R.J. Fordham, D.J. Baxter, T. Graziani. - Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 113, Trans Tech Publ., 1996, pp. 81-90
534. S.V. Schneider, M. Desmaison-Brut, Y.G. Gogotsi, J. Desmaison, Oxidation Behavior of a Hot Isostatically Pressed TiB2-AlN Composite, Ed. by R.J. Fordham, D.J. Baxter, T. Graziani. - Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 113, Trans Tech Publ., 1996, pp. 49-58
535. Y.G. Gogotsi, M. Yoshimura, M. Kakihana, Y. Kanno, M. Shibuya, Hydrothermal Synthesis of Carbon Films on SiC Fibers and Particles, in Ceramic Processing Science and Technology, Ed. by H. Hausner, G.L. Messing, S.-I. Hirano, Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 51, Am. Ceram. Soc., Westerville, OH, 1995, pp. 243-247.
536. Y.G. Gogotsi, K.G. Nickel, Hydrothermal Corrosion of Alpha-SiC Powder, in Extended Abstracts, Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (8-13 October 1995, Chicago)
537. Y.G. Gogotsi, G. Grathwohl, G.E. Khomenko, Structural Evolution of Silicon Nitride-Titanium Nitride Composites During High-Temperature Creep, in Key Engineering Materials, Ed. by M. Hoffmann, G. Petzow, Trans Tech Publ., 1994, Vol. 81-91, pp. 659-664.
538. G. Grathwohl, F. Porz, Y. Gogotsi, Effect of Oxidation on Creep of Silicon-Nitride-Based Ceramics, in Corrosion of Advanced Ceramics, Ed. by K.G. Nickel, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994, pp. 441-452.
539. G.E. Khomenko, Y.G. Gogotsi, Microstructural Peculiarities of TiN Particulate Si3N4-based Composites, in ICEM 13, Ed. by B. Jouffrey, C. Colliex (17-22 July 1994, Paris) Vol. 2A, pp. 57-58.
540. Y.G. Gogotsi, N.S. Jacobson, Hydrothermal Corrosion of Carbides, in Extended Abstracts, Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (9-14 October 1994, Miami Beach) p. 858.
541. Y.G. Gogotsi, Hydrothermale Korrosion von SiC - Betrachtung der schädlichen und nützlichen Aspekte, in Korrosion und Verschleiß von keramischen Werkstoffen, Hrsg. R. Telle, P. Quirmbach, DKG, 1994, S. 114-122.
542. Y.G. Gogotsi, M. Yoshimura, Oxidation of Powdered and Sintered TiN, in Advanced Materials '93 I/A: Ceramics, Powders, Corrosion and Advanced Processing, Ed. by N. Mizutani et al., Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 14A, Elsevier, 1994, pp. 349-352.
543. Y.G. Gogotsi, Y. Tanabe, E. Yasuda, M. Yoshimura, Effect of Oxidation and Hydrothermal Corrosion on Strength of SiC Fibres, in Advanced Materials '93 I/A: Ceramics, Powders, Corrosion and Advanced Processing, Ed. by N. Mizutani et al., Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 14A, Elsevier, 1994, pp. 265-268.
544. O.N. Grigoryev, Y.G. Gogotsi, N.A. Orlovskaya, G.E. Khomenko, Effect of TiN on the Mechanical Properties of Al2O3-ZrO2 Ceramics, in Proc. 2nd Conf. of the European Ceramic Society, Euro-Ceramics II, Vol. 2, Ed. by G. Ziegler and H. Hausner, DKG, 1993, pp. 1413-1417
545. Y. Gogotsi, F. Porz, V. Yaroshenko, Oxidation Resistance of Si3N4-TiN Ceramics, in Proc. 2nd Conf. of the European Ceramic Society, Euro-Ceramics II, Vol. 2, Ed. by G. Ziegler and H. Hausner, DKG, 1993, pp. 1517-1521
546. Y.G. Gogotsi, G. Grathwohl, F. Porz, Kriechen und Oxidation von Si3N4/TiN Mischkeramiken, in Mechanische Eigenschaften keramischer Konstruktionswerkstoffe, ed. by G. Grathwohl, DGM Informationsgesellschaft Verlag, 1993, S. 185-190.
547. D. Koch, G. Gürtler, A. Weddigen, Y. Gogotsi, G. Grathwohl, Zugversuche mit keramischen Werkstoffen, in Mechanische Eigenschaften keramischer Konstruktionswerkstoffe, ed. by G. Grathwohl, DGM Informationsgesellschaft Verlag, 1993, S. 301-306.
548. Y.G. Gogotsi, G. Grathwohl, F. Porz, V.V. Kovylayev, A.D. Vasil'ev, Microscopic Studies of Oxidised Si3N4-based Ceramics, in Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Microscopy of Oxidation (29-31 March 1993, Cambridge), Ed. by S.B. Newcomb, M.J. Bennett, Institute of Materials, London, 1993, pp. 535-544.
549. Y.G. Gogotsi, G. Dransfield, F. Porz, Oxidation of Powdered and Sintered Titanium Nitride, in Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Microscopy of Oxidation (29-31 March 1993, Cambridge), Ed. by S.B. Newcomb, M.J. Bennett, Institute of Materials, London, 1993, pp. 509-522.
550. A.M. Koval'chenko, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.P. Yaroshenko, Failure of Nonoxide Ceramics at Abrasive Wear, in Fracture Mechanics and Physics of Brittle Materials, ed. by S.A. Firstov (Inst. Problems of Mater. Sci., Kiev 1992) pp. 99-105
551. Y. Gogotsi, D. Ostrovoj, V. Traskovsky, Deformation and Creep of Silicon Nitride-Matrix Composites, in Mechanics of Creep Brittle Materials - 2, ed by A.C.F. Cocks and A.R.S. Ponter (Elsevier, London 1991) pp. 230-241
552. O. Grigor'ev, N. Orlovskaya, Y. Gogotsi, V. Yaroshenko, G. Khomenko, G. Krivoshey, Dispersion-Strengthened and Transformation-Toughened Al2O3-Based Ceramics, in Ceramics Today - Tomorrow's Ceramics, ed. by P. Vincenzini (Elsevier, Amsterdam 1991) pp. 2821-2830
553. V. Yaroshenko, Y. Gogotsi, I. Osipova, Effect of TiN on the Properties of Silicon Nitride-Based Ceramics, in Ceramics Today - Tomorrow's Ceramics, ed. by P. Vincenzini (Elsevier, Amsterdam 1991) pp. 1631-1640
554. Y.G. Gogotsi, Effect of Oxidation on Fracture of Nonoxide Ceramics, in Fracture Mechanics and Physics of Brittle Materials (Inst. Problems of Mat. Sci., Kiev 1990) pp. 115-122
555. Y.G. Gogotsi, A.M. Koval'chenko, I.A. Kossko, V.P. Yaroshenko, High Speed Sliding of Ceramics Against Steel, in Urgent Problems of Materials Science, ed. by V.V. Skorokhod (Inst. Problems of Mat. Sci., Kiev 1990) pp. 101-106
556. Y.G. Gogotsi, N.A. Orlovskaya, V.P. Yaroshenko, V.A. Goncharuk, D.Y. Ostrovoi, Effect of Composition on Strength and Fracture Toughness of Al2O3-ZrO2-TiN Ceramics, in Urgent Problems of Materials Science, ed. by V.V. Skorokhod (Inst. Problems of Mat. Sci., Kiev 1990) pp. 106-111
557. Y.G. Gogotsi, O.N. Grigor'ev, E.G. Sosnovskaya, V.P. Yaroshenko, Effect of Structure on Properties of Hot-Pressed Silicon Carbide, in Proc. 9th Ukrainian Conf. on Powder Metallurgy, ed. by V.V. Skorokhod (Inst. Problems of Mat. Sci., Kiev 1990) pp. 160-165
558. Y.G. Gogotsi, O.N. Grigor'ev, G.F. Khomenko, Electron Microscopy Studies on Structurization Processes in SiC-Based Ceramics, in Proc. 7th Symp. on Metallography, Vysoke Tatry, 1989, Vol. 1, pp. 143-147
559. V.P. Yaroshenko, I.I. Osipova, Y.G. Gogotsi, D.A. Pogorelova, Einfluss der Despersionshärtung durch TiN auf die Eigenschaften von heißgepresstem Si3N4, in Vorträge 9. Internationale Pulvermetallurgische Tagung, Dresden, Okt. 23-25, 1989, B. 3 (Dresden, 1989) S. 295-307
560. A.M. Pivak, T.O. Malinovskaya, Y.G. Gogotsi, L.F. Vasilenko, Corrosion Resistance of Materials Based on Silicon and Boron Carbides in Electrolyte Solutions, in New Technological Processes in Powder Metallurgy, ed. by I.D. Radomyselsky (Inst. Problems of Mat. Sci., Kiev 1986) pp. 31-35
561. G.D. Semchenko, A.V. Dunikov, Ye.V. Butskaya, Y.G. Gogotsi (Kharkov Polytechnical Institute), Binder, SU 1184839 A, 2 January 1984
562. G.G. Karyuk, V.V. Koval'chuk, V.V. Zametailo, A.I. Yuga, V.M. Volkogon, Y.G. Gogotsi, O.V. Koval'chuk, S.G. Shokot'ko (Institute for Problems of Material Science), Method of Burnishing of the Steel Surface, SU 1490842, 13 July 1987
563. V.I. Trefilov, L.L. Sukhikh, N.N. Ikonnik, V.P. Yaroshenko, G.G. Karyuk, G.D. Rontal, O.N. Grigor'ev, V.V. Fedoseev, L.D. Shapiro, Y.G. Gogotsi (Institute for Problems of Material Science), Ceramic Tool Material, SU 1501490, 23 November 1987
564. G.G. Karyuk, V.V. Koval'chuk, V.V. Zametailo, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.P. Yaroshenko, V.M. Volkogon, O.V. Koval'chuk, (Institute for Problems of Material Science), Powder Mixture for Producing an Anti-Friction Material, SU 1563165, 21 December 1987
565. G.G. Karyuk, V.V. Koval'chuk, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.V. Zametailo, V.V. Subbotin, D.A. Kotlyar, N.D. Fomenko (Institute for Problems of Material Science), Lubricant for Pressing Anti-Friction Articles, SU 1549988, 16 February 1988
566. A.A. Mikhailenko, Y.G. Gogotsi, O.K. Rudenko, Method of Producing Ultra-Fine AlN Powder, SU 1654258, 23 May 1988
567. V.P. Yaroshenko, G.V. Trunov, Y.G. Gogotsi, O.D. Shcherbina, O.N. Grigor'ev, N.N. Ikonnik, G.D. Rontal (Institute for Problems of Material Science), Method of Producing Ceramic Articles from a Silicon Nitride Material, SU 1552574, 6 June 1988
568. V.V. Koval'chuk, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.V. Zametailo, V.P. Yaroshenko, A.I. Yuga, I.A. Kossko, A.M. Koval'chenko (Institute for Problems of Material Science), Method for Producing a Ceramic Anti-Friction Part for Sliding Article, SU 1571036 A1, 10 June 1988
569. Y.G. Gogotsi, V.P. Zavada, V.V. Traskovsky, G.V. Trunov, O.D. Shcherbina (Institute for Problems of Material Science), Method of Choosing the Conditions of Thermal Treatment of Silicon Nitride Ceramics, SU 1684265 A1, 21 November 1988
570. V.V. Koval'chuk, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.V. Zametailo, A.I. Yuga (Institute for Problems of Material Science), Method of Treatment of Steel Articles, SU 1609023, 16 January 1989
571. V.I. Trefilov, Y.G. Gogotsi, R.A. Morozova, G.G. Momot, V.V. Koval'chuk, V.V. Zametailo, V.P. Yaroshenko, E.G. Sosnovskaya (Institute for Problems of Material Science), Method for Producing a Composite Powder in the Si3N4-TiN System, SU 1693863 A1, 1 June 1989
572. Y.G. Gogotsi, V.P. Yaroshenko, R.A. Morozova, G.G. Momot, N.N. Ikonnik, O.N.Grigor'ev, V.I. Tkachuk, A.V. Yarmolinsky (Institute for Problems of Material Science), Powder Mixture for Producing a Silicon Nitride-Based Ceramic and Process for Producing the Ceramic, SU 1669900 A1, 31 July 1989
573. V.V. Koval'chuk, Y.G. Gogotsi, R.G. Timchenko, V.V. Zametailo (Institute for Problems of Material Science), Method of Producing a Ceramic Anti-Friction Article, SU 1692119 A1, 21 November 1989
574. V.I. Trefilov, R.A. Morozova, Y.G. Gogotsi, V.P. Yaroshenko, V.I. Tkachuk, O.N. Grigor'ev, N.A. Kapinus (Institute for Problems of Material Science), Method of Producing Silicon Nitride Powder, SU 1759000 A1, 19 April 1990
575. V.P. Yaroshenko, Y.G. Gogotsi, G.D. Rontal, V.M. Malikin, E.G. Sosnovskaya, O.N. Grigor'ev (Institute for Problems of Material Science), Material for Impact- and Wear-Resistant Articles, SU 1753694 A1, 19 April 1990
576. Y.G. Gogotsi, V.P. Yaroshenko, N.N. Ikonnik, L.L. Sukhikh, A.A. Mikhailenko, O.K. Rudenko (Institute for Problems of Material Science), Method for Producing Dense Heat-Conducting Ceramics, SU 1805649 A1, 10 September 1990
577. Y.G. Gogotsi, V.P. Yaroshenko (Institute for Problems of Material Science), Method for Producing Anti-Friction Articles, SU 1812767 A1, 6 December 1990
578. V.P. Yaroshenko, Y.G. Gogotsi, N.N. Ikonnik, O.N. Grigor'ev, N.A. Orlovskaya (Institute for Problems of Material Science), Powder Mixture for Ceramic Tool Material, SU 1826465 A, 21 January 1991
579. Y.G. Gogotsi, Method for Producing Carbon Coatings on the Surface of Silicon Carbide, Application 94041927, Priority 13 April 1994, Ukrainian Patent No. 10393 A, issued 25 December 1996
580. "Filamentous carbon and hydrothermal synthesis of it", by M.Yoshimura, W.L.Suchanek, Y.Gogotsi and J.A. Libera {Tokugan, submission, No.2000-222832, July 24,2000} Commissioned to RIST & M. Yoshimura
581. US Patent 6,740,430, issued May 25, 2004, “Graphitic polyhedral crystals in the form of nanotubes, whiskers and nanorods, methods for their production and uses thereof”, by Y. Gogotsi, J.A. Libera and M. Yoshimura {Toyo Tanso, No. 204551US, April 2, 2000}
582. Japanese Kokai Patent Publication No. 2002-308612 “Graphite Polycrystalline Body and Isolation Method for the Same and Application for the Same”, by Y. Gogotsi, J.A. Libera and M. Yoshimura {Toyo Tanso Co., filed April 9, 2000, issued April 13, 2001}
583. US Patent 6,579,833 B1, issued June 17, 2003, M.J. McNallan, D. Ersoy, Y. Gogotsi, Process for Converting a Metal Carbide to Carbon by Etching in Halogens (University of Illinois at Chicago)
584. M.J. McNallan, D.A. Ersoy, Y. Gogotsi and S. Welz, Process for converting a metal carbide to diamond by etching in halogens, University of Illinois at Chicago, Filing date: Apr 19, 2001, Application number: 9/838,458, Publication number: US 2001/0047980 A1.
585. M.J. McNallan, R. Zhu, C. White, Y. Gogotsi, A. Erdemir, Hydrogen Treatment of carbide Derived carbon for Modification of Properties, University of Illinois at Chicago, Filing date May 5, 2005, US Provisional Patent Application
586. U.S. Patent 8,137,650, Y. Gogotsi, M. Barsoum, Nanoporous Carbon with Tunable Pore Size, Priority: July 1, 2003, issued March 20, 2012, Drexel University, Application number: 10/561,768, Publication number: US 2006/0165584 A1, PCT US2004/021382, WO2005/007566.
587. Y. Gogotsi, M.J. McNallan, Boron Nitride-Aluminum Nitride (BAN) Interfaces and Coatings and Methods for Their Production and Use, Filing date Apr. 28, 2004, Application number: 10/555,048, Publication number: US 2006/0134415 A1, Drexel University, PCT US2004/012965, WO2005/092610.
588. US Patent 7,744,843 B2, issued June 29, 2010, Y. Gogotsi, Methods for Bulk Synthesis of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, Filing date June 21, 2004, Drexel University, US Provisional Patent Application No. 60/581,411; July 2, 2004, International PCT/US2004/021382, PCT/US2005/021017
589. US Patent 8,119,021, issued February 21, 2012, Y. Gogotsi, G. Korneva, G. Friedman, Functional Nanoparticle Filled Carbon Nanotubes and Methods of Their Production, Filing date Apr. 6, 2006, Drexel University, US Patent Application No. 60/668,636, PCT/US2005/021017, WO2006/113192
590. Y. Gogotsi, J. Chmiola, G. Yushin, R. Dash, A Nanocellular High Surface Area Material and Methods for Use and Production Thereof, Filing date Apr. 14, 2005, Drexel University, US Provisional Patent Application No. 60/671,290. PCT/US2006/014048
591. Y. Gogotsi, G. Yushin, R. Dash, J.E. Fischer, Process for Producing Nanoporous Carbide Derived Carbon with Increased Gas Storage Capability, Filing date June 1, 2005, Drexel University, US Provisional Patent Application No. 60/686,278, PCT/US2006/021140
592. US Patent No. 7,964,159, issued June 11, 2011. H.H. Bau, K.M. Byong, M. Riegelman, Y. Gogotsi, Nanotube Based Sensors and Probes, Filing date July 8, 2005, University of Pennsylvania, Application number: 11/177,111, Publication number: US 2007/0009379 A1.
593. Y. Gogotsi, R. Rest, Biocidal Materials, Filing date Aug. 15, 2005, Drexel University, US WO/2008/057067, PCT/US2006/031939
594. E. Hoffman, G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi. M. Barsoum, Process for Producing Nanoporous Carbide Derived Carbon with Large Specific Surface Area, Filing date Nov. 23. 2005, Drexel University, US Provisional Patent Application No. 60/739,910. US Patent Application filed November 21, 2006, PCT/US2006/045154.
595. E. Hoffman, G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, M. Barsoum, Nanoporous Carbonaceous Membranes and Related Methods, Drexel University, Priority: 12.05.2006, WO/2007/133700, PCT/US2007/011442.
596. Y. Gogotsi, G. Yushin, S.V. Mikhalovsky, A.W. Lloyd, G.J. Phillips, Porous Carbide Derived Carbon for Removal of Toxins from Biofluids, Filing date Dec. 9. 2005, Drexel University, US Provisional Patent Application No. 60/749,117, PCT/US2006/047129
597. Y. Gogotsi, J. Chmiola, G. Yushin, P. Simon, C. Portet, P.L. Taberna, Supercapacitors and Methods for Producing Same, Filing date May 15, 2006, WO/2008/069833, PCT/US2007/011490. US2011/0128671
598. V. Mochalin, Y. Gogotsi, G. Yushin, K. Behler, J. Detweiler, A. Gurga, Nanodiamond Compositions and Methods of Making and Using Thereof, Filing date July 02, 2007, PCT/US2008/067479, WO 2009/038850. Pub. US 2011/0006218, published Jan. 13, 2011
599. WO Patent 2,009,045,879, Y.A. Elabd, Y. Gogotsi, B. Eirich, D. Shay, Electrocatalysts for Fuel Cells, US Patent Application No. 60/975,899, filed September 28, 2007, PCT/US2008/077804
600. WO Patent 2,008,133,672, M. Havel, Y. Gogotsi, K. Behler, D. Mattia, Nanowires and Coatings of Self-Assembled Nanoparticles, Priority: 22.12.2006, WO/2008/133672, PCT/US2007/026195.
601. US Patent 8,498,097. Y. Gogotsi, P. Simon, C. Largeot, C. Portet, J. Chmiola, P.-L. Taberna, Supercapacitor Compositions, Devices and Related Methods, Filing date January 31, 2008, issued July 30, 2013.
602. Y. Gogotsi, V. Mochalin, S. Osswald, G. Yushin, Process of Purifying Nanodiamond Compositions and Applications Thereof, Filing Date: 15.05.2006 , WO/2007/133765, PCT/US2007/011607.
603. Y. Gogotsi, B.-Y. Lee, K. Behler, R. Rest, Metal or metal oxide deposited fibrous materials, Priority Date : 02.09.2008, PCT/US2009/055696, WO/2010/028017
604. B.-Y. Lee, Y. Gogotsi, Titania dispersion and method for making, Priority date: 02.09.2008, US2011/0159109 A1, PCT/US2009/055693, WO/2010/028016
605. D. Staack, A. Gutsol, A. Fridman, Y. Gogotsi, G. Friedman, Nano Discharges in Liquids, WO/2010/022160, PCT/US2009/054329, Priority date: 19.08.2008
606. M. Schrlau et al., Fluidic Devices for In-Situ Imaging and Spectroscopy,
607. G. Friedman, Y. Gogotsi, E. Vitol, Devices for Intracellular Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, application # 2010/0297686, publication date: 11/25/2010
608. M. Havel, Y. Gogotsi, V. Mochalin, K. Behler, Drexel Docket # 06-0725D, Polyamide Nanofibers and Methods Thereof
609. Y. Gogotsi, V. Pelletier, S. Bhattacharyya, F. Forohar, M. Bichay, Carbon Nanotubes Containing Confined Copper Azide, PCT/US 2012/0060984, Filing date: 07/14/2011
610. U.S. Patent 8,038,926, Issued October 18, 2011. Y. Gogotsi, D. Mattia, Method for Making Carbon Nanotubes with Embedded Nanoparticles, U.S. Patent Application No.: 12/398,315, Filing date: March 7, 2008
611. G. Zhou, P. Lelkes, Y. Gogotsi, V. Mochalin, Functionalized nanodiamond reinforced biopolymers, US Patent Application 20,120,271,361, Filing date: October 2, 2009. PCT/US2010/051176, WO/2011/041714
612. US Patent 20,120,027,658, Issued 2012, C. Karwacki, Y. Gogotsi, G. Peterson, Oxidation Catalysts Useful for Ambient Temperature Operation, Patent filed 18 March 2011, application no. 13/051,051, WO Patent WO/2012/016,118
613. Y. Gogotsi, V. Mochalin, A. Pentecost, De-Agglomeration and Separation of Nanoparticles in Powders with Dry Media-Assited Milling, Drexel Docket No. 11-1272D.
614. US Patent 20,130,244,121, Published Sept. 19, 2013, Y. Gogotsi, V. Mochalin, J. K. McDonough, P. Simon, P.-L. Taberna, Novel Applications for Alliform Carbon, PCT/US2011/051903, WO/2012/037445. September 17, 2010
615. M. Barsoum, M. Naguib, Y. Gogotsi, Compositions Comprising Free Standing Two Dimensional Nanocrystals, U.S. Patent Application Number: 61/587,172 filed January 17, 2012
616. Y. Gogotsi. V. Presser, C. Kumbur, Electrochemical Flow Capacitors, PCT/US2012/024960, February 14, 2012
617. K.A. Jost, Y. Gogotsi, G. Dion, Knitted Electrochemical Capacitors And Heated Fabrics, Provisional application US 61/858,358, July 24, 2013
618. P. Simon, P.-L. Taberna, B. Daffos, E. Iwama, T. Tzedakis, Y. Gogotsi, K. Hatzell, O. Gogotsi, Method and device to remove ions form an electrolytic media, such as water desalination, using suspension of divided materials in a flow capacitor. European Patent Application filed June 6, 2013